Scarlet avatar Scarlet 2019-10-23
给顾问 Adam S 的评价:

Adam is really patient and professional. He is willing to answer my endless concerns and questions. I really enjoy working with him! Highly recommended.

  • Adam S 回复 Scarlet 2019-10-23 16:38

    Thank you for these kind comments, Scarlet. It's been a great pleasure working with you!
    All the best,


Very nice and systemic.

Christina avatar Christina 2019-10-23
给顾问 Jake M 的评价:

It is a pleasant experience to work with Jake. He is patient and careful, I'd like to recommend him to all: )



给顾问 Yoonyee 的评价:

顾问还是在political science方面比较熟悉,对于描述中提到的gender studies这块还是有些生疏的,虽然领域相近,都属于social sciences,但是还是有挺大差别的。

  • 袁* 回复 Terry 2019-10-23 11:31

    同学,您问的是社会学(Sociology)相关问题,不是您在这里的说的“Social Science”哦。至于您说的“Social Science”,我已经从社会科学(这是一种广义的称呼,政治学也属于社会科学)大类学科的角度给予了解答。并且您在咨询前说要申请gender studies和ethinic studies,咨询开始的时候才说您要申请Sociology(gender studies和ethinic studies在社会学里面)。很抱歉服务的不周,祝您申请成功~



  • Nydia 回复 Terry 2019-10-23 13:31

    Hi Terry同学好,


    芝士圈留学 Nydia

135****9704 avatar 135****9704 2019-10-22
给顾问 Henry L 的评价:

Great writer~~

  • Henry L 回复 135****9704 2019-10-22 18:59

    Thank you very much for your kind review! - very best of luck with your application!



给顾问 Irene Li 的评价:

小姐姐人超级nice ~声音好好听特别温柔,给的建议也特别中肯!我要吹爆小姐姐!



Frances avatar Frances 2019-10-22
给顾问 Nickla A 的评价:

Thanks for everything. She is very nice and professional. I could not have done that without her help

  • Nickla A 回复 Frances 2019-11-29 21:26

    I am so pleased about the success of your application, thank you for allowing me to help you with this ^-^



Frances avatar Frances 2019-10-22
给顾问 Nickla A 的评价:

Everything is just TERRIFIC !! Thank you very much Nickla. With your efficient and professional assistance, I am now more confident about my application! It has been a pleasure to collaborate with u ;)

  • Nickla A 回复 Frances 2019-10-22 23:41

    Thank you so much for the time that you clearly took throughout the service to think about my suggestions and provide valuable feedback. I have really enjoyed working with you and I wish you the best of luck in your applications!
    Kindest Wishes


PERFECT ! Best Service Ever!

Lila avatar Lila 2019-10-22
给顾问 Monica V 的评价:

Monica is very enthusiastic and patient. Though she only has to make changes on my language, she still provides me some suggestions about how to make the reference letter more convincing. She also answered my questions nicely. Thank you!

  • Monica V 回复 Lila 2019-11-07 10:40

    Lila, thank you dearly for your kind review! Please let me know if you ever need anything in the future :)



Lila avatar Lila 2019-10-22
给顾问 Anna H 的评价:

Hi Anna, thank you very much!

I highly recommend Anna as she spent a lot of effort editing my essay and now it is greatly improved. I also learned some useful expressions that I can use for my writing in the future.



给顾问 Lily Shen 的评价:




Nan avatar Nan 2019-10-21
给顾问 Mario F 的评价:

Mario F is brilliant! He gave me feedback and advice in an efficient manner. And he integrated my Statement of Purpose with "why me" and "why you". Before I only focused on what I have done but ignored why I chose this university and this program. Mario helped me find more information about this program and get me well-prepared! His English writing is very natural without razzle-dazzle. (I just found this word from Google, if I'm wrong please forgive me) Thank him very much. I do recommend him to help other students to prepare the application process.

  • Mario F 回复 Nan 2019-10-23 01:50

    Hi Nan, how are you? Thank you very much for hiring me! I appreciate your kind words and compliments. It was truly a pleasure working with you, and I wish you the very best of luck in the future!


Very convenient and user-friendly. I hope you have more customers and help more students to build a better future.

给顾问 Zoe Tsang 的评价:

很奈斯 很中肯!聊的很久


Jingyao Huang avatar Jingyao Huang 2019-10-21
给顾问 Mario F 的评价:

Thank you for your help!!

  • Mario F 回复 Jingyao Huang 2019-10-23 02:07

    Thank you for your business!



Shelly avatar Shelly 2019-10-21
给顾问 David Guion 的评价:

David was patient and professional!



Jiawei Liu avatar Jiawei Liu 2019-10-21
给顾问 Allen G 的评价:

Dear Professor Allen G,

Thank you very much for all your editing and suggestions, which I find very helpful for creating a much better SOP. Your submission is always on time and your work is of great value. I would strongly encourage other applicants to choose you as the advisor and I am sure they will appreciate the time working with you!

Best wishes!

  • Allen G 回复 Jiawei Liu 2019-10-22 10:24

    Many thanks for your kind words. Your accomplishments are impressive, and I wish you all the best with your doctoral applications. You're going to be an excellent professor!



Hayley avatar Hayley 2019-10-21
给顾问 Adam S 的评价:

very patient and responsible. Gave me a lot of useful advises which greatly strengthen my PS. I believe your work will be very very helpful.

  • Adam S 回复 Hayley 2019-10-21 21:27

    Thank you so much for taking the trouble to post a review, Hayley. I've greatly enjoyed working with you, and hope you hugely enjoy your studies.
    All the best



Lila avatar Lila 2019-10-21
给顾问 Allen G 的评价:

Allen is very professional and has done an amazing job! He made my essay become more concise and fluent. It's like magic! I think I can also learn a lot about English writing from Allen's revisions.

Allen is also efficient, I don't even need the second round of revisions.

Highly recommend.

  • Allen G 回复 Lila 2019-10-22 10:14

    It was a pleasure working with you! There's no "magic"--you sent me great material in your draft. Best wishes with your application!



Zihan avatar Zihan 2019-10-21
给顾问 George J T 的评价:

Excellent work! Would come again if needed.



Tiange avatar Tiange 2019-10-21
给顾问 Henry L 的评价:

It's my first time to use such platform and I must say the experience exceeds my expectation. I feel Henry is more like a friend or teacher, that helps me and encourages me to complete my essays. Many thanks and wish for the best luck for my application :)

  • Henry L 回复 Tiange 2019-10-21 15:26

    Thank you very much for your kind review! - very best of luck with your application!



Hayley avatar Hayley 2019-10-21
给顾问 Daniel C 的评价:

Very patient and responsible. Gave me a lot of very useful advises.

  • DANIEL C 回复 Hayley 2019-10-21 10:51

    Thank you very much for those kind words. I enjoyed working with you!


