University of Birmingham
PH.D Theology
University of Oxford
Master Theology
University of Durham
Bachelor Theology
- 博士
- 硕士
- 本科
- 其他
21 计算机科学/工程
20 金融学
19 市场营销学
13 商业分析
12 教育学
11 传媒与新闻学
10 工商管理/MBA
9 法律学
9 其它医学相关专业
8 社会学
8 电子工程
7 机械工程
7 统计科学
6 会计、审计、金融管理
6 环境工程
5 能源工程
5 电机、电气工程
5 历史学
4 建筑学
4 公共政策分析学
4 艺术学
151****1555 Dec 27, 2020
硕士文书服务 Personal Statement 语言润色 环境、景观(园林)设计
Thanks a lot! I am surely satisfied with the final vision.
Ariel Dec 8, 2020
博士文书服务 个人陈述 深度修改 计算机科学/工程
It has been great working with Anna. She has a really high level of professionalism and is very effective in communicating. She has taken my requirements seriously and thoroughly, helping me construct a final SOP that I'm satisfied with. It had been a real pleasure and I would recommend her to anyone who is looking for a writing advisor.
Anna H
It was great to work with you too! Thank you for the kind review!
Cora Oct 13, 2020
硕士文书服务 Personal Statement 深度修改 英语
Anna is a great advisor and editor. She's very nice and professional. I am very satisfied with her service.
Ally Apr 28, 2020
硕士文书服务 Personal Statement 深度修改 计算机科学/工程
Anna was so nice and professional. She gave me very constructive suggestions on how to improve my article and revised it to a better one. Also, I really appreciate for the speed and quality of Anna's work. It was a nice experience to work with Anna and thank you so much for your help.
Anna H
Thank you so much! It was a pleasure to work with you too!
Yitong Mar 11, 2020
英文学术文章修改润色 语言润色 市场营销学
Thank you very much! The final version was accurate and your recommendation for the certain sentence was useful. I appreciate your professional polish work and the improvement you have supported for the essay.
Kcee Feb 25, 2020
硕士文书服务 Personal Statement 深度修改 电子工程
Great advice and editing:) I really appreciate your help! Thank you so much!!!
Cindy Feb 24, 2020
硕士文书服务 Personal Statement 深度修改 其它医学相关专业
I really appreciate Anna and I got the offer from UCL! She is really professional and reliable. Thank you!