Hee Jin Bang
修改过 636社会科学 领域文书

文书导师 文书修改套餐导师
  • 2304 用户
  • 4.95 评分
  • 266 评价数
  • 97% 按时率
2005/09 ~ 2009/08 New York University | PH.D | Education (Teaching & Learning and Applied Psychology)
2004/09 ~ 2005/06 Harvard University | Master | Education (Human Development & Psychology)
¥882 起 / 300单词


服务等级 300单词以下 超出300单词
¥882 ¥2.94
¥1470 ¥3.78
¥2940 ¥5.04


服务套餐 1 个项目 3 个项目 5 个项目
深度修改套餐 ¥10398 ¥17898 ¥26598
VIP文书套餐 ¥13698 ¥22998 ¥37398

Nicole H
修改过 70社会科学 领域文书

文书导师 文书修改套餐导师
  • 761 用户
  • 4.95 评分
  • 127 评价数
  • 100% 按时率

I am an educational professional, translator, and author who has seen academia from all sides. I understand how stressful the application process can be, so I enjoy sharing expertise as well as encouragement with my clients.Although my background is in the humanities, the majority of my clients on Zhishiq.com so far have been in the field of finance, with a significant number in architecture, urban planning, and computer science as well. I love to research new topics, so I welcome the opportunity to collaborate with clients in all academic disciplines.I am a native speaker of American English, but I am well-versed in the written conventions of British English as well. I keep up to date with the latest edition of the Chicago Manual of Style, and I believe in the serial comma.

2008/08 ~ 2011/05 Harvard University | Master | Arts and Humanities
2003/04 ~ 2006/04 University of Michigan | Bachelor | Slavic Languages & Literature
¥471 起 / 300单词


服务等级 300单词以下 超出300单词
¥470 ¥1.568
¥784 ¥2.016
¥1568 ¥2.688


服务套餐 1 个项目 3 个项目 5 个项目
深度修改套餐 ¥5546 ¥9546 ¥14186
VIP文书套餐 ¥7306 ¥12266 ¥19946

Rebecca R
修改过 133社会科学 领域文书

文书导师 文书修改套餐导师
  • 601 用户
  • 4.93 评分
  • 60 评价数
  • 96% 按时率
I have a Master of Applied Anthropology and a Bachelor of Social Science, majoring in Anthropology from one of Australia's top universities. I have published, written, proofread and edited academic work throughout my studies and career. Writing has been a constant during my studies and employment as an anthropologist. I have published several academic articles and I am currently self-employed as a writer of fiction. As a storyteller I am particularly skilled in the areas of structure, narrative and relevance. My editing and proofreading skills are exceptional. I look forward to working with you. 我拥有应用人类学硕士学位和社会科学学士学位,在澳大利亚一所顶尖大学主修人类学。在我的学习和职业生涯中,我曾出版、撰写、校对和编辑过学术作品。在我作为人类学家的学习和就业期间,写作一直是一个常数。我发表了几篇学术文章,目前我是一名自雇小说作家。作为一个讲故事的人,我在结构、叙事和相关性领域特别擅长。我的编辑和校对技巧非常出色。我期待着与您合作。
2004/03 ~ 2005/07 Macquarie University, AUSTRALIA | Master | Applied Anthropology
¥441 起 / 300单词


服务等级 300单词以下 超出300单词
¥441 ¥1.47
¥735 ¥1.89
¥1470 ¥2.52


服务套餐 1 个项目 3 个项目 5 个项目
深度修改套餐 ¥5199 ¥8949 ¥13299
VIP文书套餐 ¥6849 ¥11499 ¥18699

Dianne Gebauer
修改过 2社会科学 领域文书

文书导师 包月咨询
  • 38 用户
  • 4.91 评分
  • 11 评价数
  • 100% 按时率

Master's Degree in Musicology; Freelance Proofreader, Editor, & Writer

2013/09 ~ 2015/01 King's College London | Master | Musicology
2010/08 ~ 2012/05 CUNY Hunter College | Master | Music History
¥294 起 / 300单词


服务等级 300单词以下 超出300单词
¥294 ¥0.98
¥490 ¥1.26
¥980 ¥1.68

  • 14 用户
  • 5 评分
  • 3 评价数
  • 100% 按时率
住在中国改变了我的生活,现在我想帮忙改变您的! Hi there - I'm Stew, or 魏司徒, and I want you to reach your dream university. But to get there, you'll need to submit a fantastic application. An application that's structured, persuasive and clear. It must convince the reader that you'll be a valuable addition to their course. This is the application I'll help you write!
2010/09 ~ 2013/05 Northumbria University | Bachelor | Journalism
¥294 起 / 300单词


服务等级 300单词以下 超出300单词
¥294 ¥0.98
¥490 ¥1.26
¥980 ¥1.68

Marie L
修改过 84社会科学 领域文书

文书导师 文书修改套餐导师
  • 337 用户
  • 4.91 评分
  • 85 评价数
  • 100% 按时率
I received a Starred First from Cambridge University and now work in trade and diplomacy. I've been working for Zhishiq for many years and have helped clients with their applications to top universities in both the UK and US. Whether you are just looking for an edit on your essay or CV, or are a bit stuck on drafting and would like detailed and tailored guidance, I will give my utmost attention to helping you bring out your achievements.
2018/10 ~ 2021/06 University of Cambridge | Bachelor | Politics and International Relations
2009/09 ~ 2014/07 The Royal College of Music | Violin
¥588 起 / 300单词


服务等级 300单词以下 超出300单词
¥588 ¥1.96
¥980 ¥2.52
¥1960 ¥3.36


服务套餐 1 个项目 3 个项目 5 个项目
深度修改套餐 ¥6932 ¥11932 ¥17732
VIP文书套餐 ¥9132 ¥15332 ¥24932

Anne B
修改过 55社会科学 领域文书

文书导师 文书修改套餐导师 模拟面试
  • 197 用户
  • 4.93 评分
  • 27 评价数
  • 100% 按时率
Hello! I want to help you craft impactful essays. My writing and editing strengths are brevity, clarity, a keen eye for detail, and knowing my audience. As an American with an advanced degree in English and formal training in editing, I can polish your writing and improve your fluency as you strive to stand out amongst your peers. 你好!我想帮助您撰写有影响力的文章。我写作和编辑的优势是简洁、清晰、对细节的敏锐眼光以及了解我的听众。作为一名拥有高级英语学位和正式编辑培训的美国人,当您努力在同龄人中脱颖而出时,我可以润色您的写作并提高您的文书流利度。
1993/06 ~ 1995/05 Southeastern Louisiana University | Master | English Literature
¥471 起 / 300单词


服务等级 300单词以下 超出300单词
¥470 ¥1.568
¥784 ¥2.016
¥1568 ¥2.688


服务套餐 1 个项目 3 个项目 5 个项目
深度修改套餐 ¥5546 ¥9546 ¥14186
VIP文书套餐 ¥7306 ¥12266 ¥19946


服务价格 ¥1040 / 60分钟

  • 56 用户
  • 5 评分
  • 11 评价数
  • 100% 按时率

With a background in Chinese to English translation and teaching English as a second language, I have honed excellent skills in attention to detail and cultivated a passion towards supporting international students. Having completed a year of study with Zhejiang University of Media and Communications, I have gained first-hand experience of the challenges of studying in another language and believe I can support students in reflecting their potential through the application process.

2016/10 ~ 2017/10 University of Bristol | Master | Translation
2010/09 ~ 2014/06 Liverpool John Moores University | Bachelor | International Business Studies and Chinese
¥353 起 / 300单词


服务等级 300单词以下 超出300单词
¥353 ¥1.176
¥588 ¥1.512
¥1176 ¥2.016

  • 25 用户
  • 5 评分
  • 7 评价数
  • 89% 按时率

Hello! My name is Lucien Monson. I taught as a professor for over six years at University of South Florida. I spent many years mentoring both foreign and American students, assisting them with their writing, advising them, and providing letters of recommendation. In 2018, I successfully applied for a fellowship to do research for my dissertation at Fudan University. As an academic, I know a lot about what universities and scholarship programs look for in an applicant. I look forward to using my knowledge to help your application materials shine so you can stand out in the crowd!

2018/08 ~ 2020/07 Fudan University 复旦大学 | Others | Philosophy
2013/08 ~ 2021/03 University of South Florida | PH.D | Philosophy
¥294 起 / 300单词


服务等级 300单词以下 超出300单词
¥294 ¥0.98
¥490 ¥1.26
¥980 ¥1.68

Jake M
修改过 18社会科学 领域文书

留学咨询 文书导师 文书修改套餐导师
  • 225 用户
  • 4.97 评分
  • 29 评价数
  • 100% 按时率
Having studied literature at Harvard and creative writing at the Iowa Writer's Workshop, Jake enjoys helping students turn good drafts into great finished essays. Writing, storytelling, and teaching are his passions, and he has the insight and experience to know exactly what an essay needs to push it over the top. He loves working with students and hearing their stories. Jake also knows exactly what it takes to get into top universities, and he draws from his experiences as an Ivy League student and as a professional editor to help students write the best statements, letters, and resumes possible. 在哈佛学习文学并在爱荷华州作家工作室学习创意写作后,Jake 喜欢帮助学生将优秀的草稿变成优秀的论文。写作、讲故事和教学是他的激情所在,他有洞察力和经验,可以确切地知道一篇文章需要什么才能让它脱颖而出。他喜欢和学生一起工作,听他们讲故事。 Jake 还确切地知道进入顶尖大学需要什么,他从常春藤盟校学生和专业编辑的经历中汲取经验,帮助学生尽可能写出最好的陈述、信件和简历。
2015/09 ~ 2017/05 Iowa Writers' Workshop | Master | Poetry
2011/09 ~ 2015/05 Harvard University | Bachelor | English
¥383 起 / 300单词


服务等级 300单词以下 超出300单词
¥382 ¥1.274
¥637 ¥1.638
¥1274 ¥2.184


服务套餐 1 个项目 3 个项目 5 个项目
深度修改套餐 ¥4506 ¥7756 ¥11526
VIP文书套餐 ¥5936 ¥9966 ¥16206

  • 27 用户
  • 5 评分
  • 1 评价数
  • 98% 按时率

Hi! I’m Harish, and I specialise in the editing and writing of personal statements, resumes, and academic content, as well as running interview practice sessions and the provision of advice relating to all aspects of an academic application. Prior to joining ZHISHIQ, I offered my writing services on a self-employed basis, and in this role, worked with a large number applicants to craft arresting, succinct, and successful personal statements for a range of courses. I am currently a PhD candidate in Philosophy at a UK Russell Group university, hold two Master’s degrees, and a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from University College London. I have also worked full-time as a chartered accountant at a consultancy firm in London and as a policy advisor in the Civil Service. Please read on to see how I can use the knowledge and skills gained from these ventures to help you with your application.

2019/09 ~ 2021/09 University of Southampton | PH.D | Philosophy
2012/09 ~ 2015/08 University College London (UCL) | Bachelor | Economics
¥383 起 / 300单词


服务等级 300单词以下 超出300单词
¥382 ¥1.274
¥637 ¥1.638
¥1274 ¥2.184

Mehr S
修改过 31社会科学 领域文书

文书导师 文书修改套餐导师
  • 115 用户
  • 4.94 评分
  • 18 评价数
  • 100% 按时率

Hello everyone! I am a graduate of the London School of Economics and Political Science with a Masters in International Relations. I have a strong educational background and interest in international relations, international development and conflict resolution. I have worked as an assistant editor for a research think tank in Pakistan. Furthermore, I have worked with the World Health Organisation in Geneva, Switzerland. I also have four years of experience working as a human resource and administrative consultant. I completed my undergraduate degree in Pakistan and have gone through the struggle of applying to top universities abroad. I therefore, understand the different challenges being faced by foreign students who want to stand out from the rest. I am easy to communicate with and make sure I give my clients what they need.

2013/09 ~ 2015/09 London School of Economics and Political Science | Master | International Relations
2009/11 ~ 2013/06 University of Peshawar | Bachelor | International Relations
¥353 起 / 300单词


服务等级 300单词以下 超出300单词
¥353 ¥1.176
¥588 ¥1.512
¥1176 ¥2.016


服务套餐 1 个项目 3 个项目 5 个项目
深度修改套餐 ¥4159 ¥7159 ¥10639
VIP文书套餐 ¥5479 ¥9199 ¥14959

Sarah N
修改过 311社会科学 领域文书

文书导师 文书修改套餐导师
  • 1443 用户
  • 4.96 评分
  • 324 评价数
  • 97% 按时率

An American by birth, I was educated at a highly competitive American liberal arts college before beginning graduate study at Cambridge, from which I received a PhD. With 8 years' part-time experience as a professional editor, I have considerable experience in professionally editing written work, particularly application essays and recommendation letters, and am highly experienced in academic writing, having published numerous articles, reviewed articles for journals, and edited textbooks. I look forward to helping clients perfect their writing abilities and put their best self forward!

2009/07 ~ 2013/10 University of Cambridge | PH.D | Environmental Economics
2008/06 ~ 2009/06 University of Cambridge | Master | Environmental Policy
¥1029 起 / 300单词


服务等级 300单词以下 超出300单词
¥1029 ¥3.43
¥1715 ¥4.41
¥3430 ¥5.88


服务套餐 1 个项目 3 个项目 5 个项目
深度修改套餐 ¥12131 ¥20881 ¥31031
VIP文书套餐 ¥15981 ¥26831 ¥43631

Sarah W
修改过 45社会科学 领域文书

  • 204 用户
  • 4.82 评分
  • 39 评价数
  • 100% 按时率

A graduate of Oxford University with over seven years teaching and educational consulting experience, Sarah has worked for many years helping Chinese students achieve their dreams of studying abroad. Sarah has worked with middle school, high school, university and graduate students--preparing them for classes & exams and assisting with their application process to many of the top Boarding Schools and Universities in the UK, Canada, and USA. Sarah loves this work and looks forward to helping you.

2014/06 ~ 2003/06 North Carolina School of Science and Mathmatics | Senior High | Environmental Science
2007/08 ~ 2008/10 Keele University | Master | International Relations
¥353 起 / 300单词


服务等级 300单词以下 超出300单词
¥353 ¥1.176
¥588 ¥1.512
¥1176 ¥2.016

Angela T
修改过 104社会科学 领域文书

文书导师 文书修改套餐导师
  • 532 用户
  • 4.95 评分
  • 99 评价数
  • 98% 按时率

I am a research scientist who has worked and studied extensively in the fields of child psychology, behavioral health, and neuroscience. I have had substantial experience with writing, editing, and peer-reviewing scientific manuscripts and grant proposals. I've also written and edited numerous successful personal statements for my own scholarly pursuits and also to help friends, colleagues, and students.

2004/09 ~ 2010/05 University of Minnesota-Twin Cities | PH.D | Child Psychology / Neuroscience
1996/09 ~ 2000/05 Columbia University in the City of New York | Bachelor | Psychology / Biology
¥471 起 / 300单词


服务等级 300单词以下 超出300单词
¥470 ¥1.568
¥784 ¥2.016
¥1568 ¥2.688


服务套餐 1 个项目 3 个项目 5 个项目
深度修改套餐 ¥5546 ¥9546 ¥14186
VIP文书套餐 ¥7306 ¥12266 ¥19946