Sarah W


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文书顾问简要 简介

A graduate of Oxford University with over seven years teaching and educational consulting experience, Sarah has worked for many years helping Chinese students achieve their dreams of studying abroad. Sarah has worked with middle school, high school, university and graduate students--preparing them for classes & exams and assisting with their application process to many of the top Boarding Schools and Universities in the UK, Canada, and USA. Sarah loves this work and looks forward to helping you.

毕业于牛津大学有超过7的教学从业经验。我帮助过很多中国留学生实现了他们的留学梦想。 我在中学,高中大学都工作过,辅导他们的课业并且指导他们申请英国加拿大以及美国的顶尖名校我非常享受这个过程并且期望和你合作。

顾问自我介绍 自我介绍

I understand the power and value a good education has in changing a person's life. I was born in a rural town (more like a village) in Western North Carolina where most girls were more likley to get pregnant and drop out of high school than go to university. Today, most of my classmates from my early years have never been to university and have never left our hometown.

I was lucky--my parents knew the value of education and from a young age pushed me to succeed. They also took me traveling--something that few Americans do outside their own boarders--and were able to show me what life was life "elsewhere" in such a tangible way that I dreamed of moving to far off places and distant lands. So I worked harder, I studied more, and I dreamed. 

I was also lucky that in middle school I had some very gifted teachers who saw in me the drive to do better--and be better-- and enough tallent to succeed. These teachers worked with me, giving me extra books to read (notably Karl Marx's The Communist Manefesto when I was 12); always demanding I do more, work harder, learn more, and expand my horizons. In 8th Grade, I won a scholarship to an excellent boarding school--the first rung on the ladder of success.

I worked hard and had a few more amazing teachers in History, English, and Science; in 10th grade I was awarded a place at one of the USA's most presitgious and reconised science and mathmatics focused boarding schools. I thrived--surrounded by extrodinary and talented students and teachers alike--in an intellectually driven envrionment that was both wonderful and challenging. Despite the School's Science and Math focus, I had been in love with History and Ancient Cutlures since my first Latin class, and I continued to develop this intellectual passion. When I was seventeen I won a place to study Ancient and Modern History at the University of Oxford. My dream of moving to far of places and discovering the secrets of the past had been acheived. 

Today I live in Beijing and I work with students from all over China who wish to fufill their own dreams of far off places and a better life through educaiton. I have taught History, English, ESL, Biology, and Maths in addition to helping students prepare for the IELTS, TOEFL, SSAT, SAT, and GRE exams. Over the past six years, I have helped hundreds of students earn places to study abroad. My favorite part of my job is seeing students when they come back to China to visit--being able to see the fruits of their success in their happiness and growth. I hope that I can help you with yours. 

我深刻的理解教育能改变一个人的人生。我出生在北卡州西部的一个小城正, 绝大部分的那儿的女孩会因怀孕而辍学并且也不会去大学。我的这些同学从来没有去过大学并且他们也从来没有离开过家乡。 


同时,我也觉得自己非常幸运因为我在中学遇到了一些非常有能力的老师并且这些老师也在不断激励我以我的能力一定能取得成功。老师们给我推荐了一些额外的阅读,比如12岁的时候我就阅读了马克思的共产党宣言;老师们总是希望我更加努力,眼界更加开阔。 8年级的时候,  我收到了一个顶尖寄宿学校的奖学金,这是我成功的开始。 

我师从一些非常有才华的历史方向, 英语方向以及科学方向的老师; 10年级的我被美国一家专注于科学以及数学教学的顶尖寄宿学校录取。周围的同学都非常富有才华, 这种学术环境让我觉得非常棒并且非常具有挑战力。 除了对于科学和数学的兴趣, 从第一节拉丁语课开始我就对历史和古代文化产生了浓厚的兴趣,在这之后对于这个方向的兴趣变得越发不可收拾。 当我17岁的时候,我去到了牛津大学攻读古代现代历史。 小时候许下的挖掘过去的秘密的梦想到这就实现了。 

现在我生活在北京帮助非常多的中国学生通过教育实现他们的梦想。 我教授过历史,英语, 生物,数学以及帮助他们准备雅思, 托福, SSAT, SAT还有GRE考试。 在过去的6年内, 我已经帮助几百名学生成功获得海外院校的录取。 对于这份工作我最喜欢的部分就是可以看到这些学生的成长还有快乐。 我希望可以帮助你实现你的梦想。



North Carolina School of Science and Mathmatics

Senior High Environmental Science

Keele University

Master International Relations

University of Oxford

Bachelor Ancient and Modern History Joint Degree


Education Consultant

Gateway Academy

I worked as a Educational Consultant helping prepare students wishing to study in the United States. I specialised in SSAT, SAT, TOEFL and IELTS preparation and in assisting students with the application process.

Head of New Business Development

Development Solutions

Technical writer and head of New Business team, primary duties included writing tenders and bids for projects, writing CV for European Commission vacancies, preparing Key Experts for interviews with different EC departments, and building relationships with project partners.


Beijing Foreign Studies University

Worked specifically with students who were preparing to study abroad in the United Kingdom, United States, and Canada. Lectured in American History, Western Culture, and Academic Writing. Also taught specialist prep classes for IELTS and TOEFL exams.

Tutor and Consultant

British Education Ltd.

Over the past six years I have worked with BE to help hundreds of Chinese families realise their dreams of sending their children to elite boarding schools in the United Kingdom and United States. I have personally gotten students into Amherst, Harrow, Eaton, and Cheltenham Ladies' College among others; helping students prepare for entrance exams and interviews, tutoring them on a wide array of subjects to prepare them for a new learning environment, and giving advice to both students and their parents throughout the application process on everything from application essay topics to what students should pack when they leave China.

获奖 & 荣誉

Academic Scholarship

Keele University

Scholarship to pursue graduate research in Public Diplomacy at SPIRE




  • 硕士
  • 本科
  • 其他


  • 41 计算机科学/工程
  • 18 金融学
  • 17 电子工程
  • 10 社会学
  • 9 工商管理/MBA
  • 9 会计、审计、金融管理
  • 8 国际关系
  • 8 地球科学/大气学
  • 7 建筑学
  • 7 生物学
  • 6 法学大类
  • 6 教育学
  • 5 传媒与新闻学
  • 5 历史学
  • 5 管理信息系统
  • 4 环境工程
  • 3 语言学
  • 3 经济学
  • 3 人力资源管理
  • 3 政治学
  • 3 城市规划
* 数据来源于该顾问服务订单所属专业的分类汇总


服务质量39 人评价
  • Ivy
    Ivy Feb 1, 2016
    硕士文书服务 Cover Letter 深度修改 国际关系

    She is very approachable, willing to listen to my concerns and provides detailed feedbacks.

  • xx
    xx Nov 28, 2015
    硕士文书服务 Statement of Purpose 语言润色 电子工程


  • Ziqian Tian
    Ziqian Tian Nov 24, 2015
    硕士文书服务 Personal Statement 深度修改 金融工程

    you are reallllly an excellent editor!! your feedback points out my problems in writing this kind of articles, i always wrote things very generally, without details and examples. it will help me in any similar kinds such as cover letter when applying for a job. and you did really amazingly in editting my ps!! focused, brilliant and powerful. thanks a lot!

  • yizhu
    yizhu Nov 24, 2015
    硕士文书服务 Personal Statement 深度修改 城市规划

    Thank you so much. Your recommendation is very useful and your feedback is very quick.

  • Yoga
    Yoga Nov 23, 2015
    硕士文书服务 Recommendation Letter 深度修改 地理学

    The best editor I've ever met! Help me a lot! I would definitely choose to work with you again and recommend you to my friends!Thank you so much!

  • huahua
    huahua Nov 13, 2015
    硕士文书服务 Recommendation Letter 语言润色 法律学

    Your work is amazing! Thank you very much, Sarah.

  • Bingxu
    Bingxu Nov 13, 2015
    硕士文书服务 Personal Statement 深度修改 金融学

    Great suggestions and edits. Good job.


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