Adam S
修改过 11人文艺术 - 语言文学 领域文书

文书导师 文书修改套餐导师 模拟面试
  • 3548 用户
  • 4.97 评分
  • 471 评价数
  • 94% 按时率

I am glad that so many outstanding Chinese students want to come and study in the UK and other countries, and I am glad to help. I have assisted clients with applications to over 80 different universities in a dozen Asian, European and North American countries, including successful applications to most of the world's top-20 ranked universities. I graduated from the London School of Economics and have 35 years' experience drafting and editing CVs, reports, leaflets, information for Ministers, citizens, and the media. I now work as an employment coach, helping people find jobs; I drive elderly people to a day centre; assist hospital patients; and am a countryside volunteer, coppicing woodlands, laying hedges and protecting natural habitats.

1976/09 ~ 1977/06 London School of Economics | Master | Economics: European integration
1971/09 ~ 1975/06 Polytechnic of Central London (now, Westminster University) | Bachelor | modern languages
¥441 起 / 300单词


服务等级 300单词以下 超出300单词
¥441 ¥1.47
¥735 ¥1.89
¥1470 ¥2.52


服务套餐 1 个项目 3 个项目 5 个项目
深度修改套餐 ¥5199 ¥8949 ¥13299
VIP文书套餐 ¥6849 ¥11499 ¥18699


服务价格 ¥1040 / 60分钟

文书导师 文书修改套餐导师
  • 1021 用户
  • 4.96 评分
  • 55 评价数
  • 100% 按时率

I graduated from Johns Hopkins University in 2020 with a master's degree in classics where I also received a BA in classics and archaeology. I then worked at Pace University in New York City helping students with learning disabilities.

2019/08 ~ 2020/05 Johns Hopkins University | Master | Classics
2016/08 ~ 2020/05 Johns Hopkins University | Bachelor | Classics
¥353 起 / 300单词


服务等级 300单词以下 超出300单词
¥353 ¥1.176
¥588 ¥1.512
¥1176 ¥2.016


服务套餐 1 个项目 3 个项目 5 个项目
深度修改套餐 ¥4159 ¥7159 ¥10639
VIP文书套餐 ¥5479 ¥9199 ¥14959

Sam H
修改过 4人文艺术 - 语言文学 领域文书

文书导师 文书修改套餐导师
  • 1605 用户
  • 4.91 评分
  • 202 评价数
  • 100% 按时率

Professional editor, medical writer and Zhishiq senior advisor. I'm what you may refer to as an aggressive editor- I tackle each document head-on, regardless of subject matter, and work diligently and thoroughly through each word, sentence and paragraph to give you the best. I work closely with my clients to help them reflect what's most important to them, while at the same time maintaining quality standards and addressing program requirements and expectations. It's hard entrusting a complete stranger with an element of your future, but the good news is: I'm not satisfied until you are.

2016/05 ~ 2017/06 Ryerson University | Master | Publishing
2008/09 ~ 2012/04 University of Ottawa | Bachelor | Health Sciences
¥530 起 / 300单词


服务等级 300单词以下 超出300单词
¥529 ¥1.764
¥882 ¥2.268
¥1764 ¥3.024


服务套餐 1 个项目 3 个项目 5 个项目
深度修改套餐 ¥6239 ¥10739 ¥15959
VIP文书套餐 ¥8219 ¥13799 ¥22439

Tanya V
修改过 4人文艺术 - 语言文学 领域文书

文书导师 文书修改套餐导师 模拟面试
  • 2341 用户
  • 4.95 评分
  • 200 评价数
  • 100% 按时率

I am very proud to be a senior advisor at ZhishiQ and have had the pleasure of clients gaining successful entry into many fine international universities including London School of Economics, Imperial College, Penn U, Colombia and Chinese University of HK. I see words creatively, like a picture that needs every element composed to make a masterpiece, as well as, technically - how they fit and what meaning they convey. I have edited numerous disciplines; physics, architecture and planning, biomedical informatics, environmental engineering, marketing, education and pedagogy, public policy. When students get into their dream university programs, this of course makes me very happy and is why I do this job ;)

2022/02 ~ 当前 James Cook University | PH.D | Anthropology
2016/01 ~ 2016/01 Massey University | Bachelor | Social Anthropology
¥650 起 / 300单词


服务等级 300单词以下 超出300单词
¥650 ¥2.166
¥1083 ¥2.785
¥2166 ¥3.713


服务套餐 1 个项目 3 个项目 5 个项目
深度修改套餐 ¥7660 ¥13185 ¥19594
VIP文书套餐 ¥10091 ¥16942 ¥27550


服务价格 ¥1040 / 60分钟

Stevon G
修改过 18人文艺术 - 语言文学 领域文书

文书导师 文书修改套餐导师 模拟面试
  • 2377 用户
  • 4.93 评分
  • 357 评价数
  • 100% 按时率

Writing is a gate to a world of opportunities, so let me be your gatekeeper. I am an accomplished journalist and editor with more than 20 years of experience in print journalism, editing, and proofreading. You can count on my attention to detail and knowledge of English to help you draft a persuasive and well-written document – one that will hold the attention of admissions officials. Please read reviews of my work for proof of my ability to assist you.

¥324 起 / 300单词


服务等级 300单词以下 超出300单词
¥323 ¥1.078
¥539 ¥1.386
¥1078 ¥1.848


服务套餐 1 个项目 3 个项目 5 个项目
深度修改套餐 ¥3813 ¥6563 ¥9753
VIP文书套餐 ¥5023 ¥8433 ¥13713


服务价格 ¥1040 / 60分钟

Marni Bayles
修改过 4人文艺术 - 语言文学 领域文书

文书导师 文书修改套餐导师
  • 1479 用户
  • 4.99 评分
  • 209 评价数
  • 81% 按时率

I am a Senior Advisor here at ZHISHIQ, and I've helped students across a variety of fields get into their dream universities. Being a former international student myself, and having worked with admissions, I understand what it takes to make your application shine. Having run admissions with both an English language school and tech school, I am certain I can help you craft a statement that is polished, professional, and shows off your unique capabilities.

2014/09 ~ 2015/11 University of Edinburgh | Master | Renaissance and Early Modern Studies
2010/08 ~ 2014/05 University of Central Arkansas | Bachelor | English and Interdisciplinary Studies
¥500 起 / 300单词


服务等级 300单词以下 超出300单词
¥500 ¥1.666
¥833 ¥2.142
¥1666 ¥2.856


服务套餐 1 个项目 3 个项目 5 个项目
深度修改套餐 ¥5892 ¥10142 ¥15072
VIP文书套餐 ¥7762 ¥13032 ¥21192

Daniel C
修改过 4人文艺术 领域文书

留学咨询 文书导师 文书修改套餐导师 模拟面试
  • 1173 用户
  • 4.96 评分
  • 102 评价数
  • 96% 按时率
I specialize in helping students craft compelling applications to gain admittance to top universities and business schools. I have an MBA with honors from UCLA, and, for the past 10 years, I have served as an alumni admissions interviewer. I have reviewed dozens of applications and interviewed students from all around the world. I know firsthand what it takes to stand out and be successful. As a master storyteller and professional writer, I will help you tell your story in a way that demonstrates your abilities, accomplishments and leadership potential. I thoroughly enjoy working with students to achieve their goals, and I look forward to working with you. 我的专长是帮助学生精心设计引人注目的申请材料,帮助他们获得顶尖大学和商学院的入学资格。我有加州大学洛杉矶分校的工商管理硕士学位,在过去的10年里,我一直担任校友入学面试官。我已经审阅了几十份申请,并面试过来自世界各地的学生。对于如何脱颖而出并获得成功,我有亲身体会。作为一个讲故事大师和专业作家,我将帮助你以一种展示你的能力、成就和领导潜力的方式讲述你的故事。我非常喜欢和学生们一起实现他们的目标,我也期待着和你们一起工作。
2006/09 ~ 2009/06 University of California, Los Angeles | MBA | Business Administration
1995/09 ~ 1999/06 Washington & Lee University | Bachelor | Business Administration
¥441 起 / 300单词


服务等级 300单词以下 超出300单词
¥441 ¥1.47
¥735 ¥1.89
¥1470 ¥2.52


服务套餐 1 个项目 3 个项目 5 个项目
深度修改套餐 ¥5199 ¥8949 ¥13299
VIP文书套餐 ¥6849 ¥11499 ¥18699


服务价格 ¥1040 / 60分钟

Allen G
修改过 4人文艺术 领域文书

文书导师 文书修改套餐导师 模拟面试
  • 567 用户
  • 4.99 评分
  • 96 评价数
  • 97% 按时率
As an experienced college admissions consultant and Senior Advisor at ZHISHIQ, I have helped students get into top universities including MIT, Harvard, Columbia, Yale, Penn, Cornell, Stanford, UC Berkeley, and many others. My articles on all aspects of the college selection and application process have aided millions of students with their academic journeys. As a professor of English, my passion is helping students with their writing, and my MIT engineering education gives me a strong foundation when assisting students interested in STEM fields. I'd love to help you craft an impressive application. 参考译文:作为一名经验丰富的大学招生顾问和芝士圈留学的高级顾问,我曾帮助学生进入MIT、Harvard、Columbia、Yale、Penn、Cornell、Stanford、UC Berkeley等顶尖大学。我写的“关于大学选择和申请过程各个方面”的文章帮助了数百万学生完成了学业。作为一名英语教授,我的热情是帮助学生写作,我在麻省理工学院的工程教育让我在帮助对STEM领域感兴趣的学生时打下了坚实的基础。我很乐意帮你起草一份令人印象深刻的申请。
1990/09 ~ 1996/08 University of Pennsylvania | PH.D | English
1985/09 ~ 1990/05 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) | Bachelor | Materials Science and Engineering
¥1176 起 / 300单词


服务等级 300单词以下 超出300单词
¥1176 ¥3.92
¥1960 ¥5.04
¥3920 ¥6.72


服务套餐 1 个项目 3 个项目 5 个项目
深度修改套餐 ¥13864 ¥23864 ¥35464
VIP文书套餐 ¥18264 ¥30664 ¥49864


服务价格 ¥1040 / 60分钟

留学咨询 文书导师 文书修改套餐导师
  • 1701 用户
  • 4.97 评分
  • 62 评价数
  • 93% 按时率

I am an alumnus of Columbia University in New York City--and I have 20+ years of experience coaching and working with students, helping them with admission to the greatest of universities across the world. I am a people-oriented non-profit executive, rabbi, consultant, and educator, with experience leading one of the largest congregations in North America. In addition, I am a well-published author and writer, with pieces regularly published internationally. I have sat on admissions committees. I have regularly served as an editor and proofreader--and I have a keen eye for detail and for what is "hot" right now.

2003/09 ~ 2007/10 Graduate School - JTSA | Master | Midrash and Rabbinic Literature
2003/09 ~ 2008/05 Rabbinical School - JTSA | Others | Rabbinic Ordination
¥588 起 / 300单词


服务等级 300单词以下 超出300单词
¥588 ¥1.96
¥980 ¥2.52
¥1960 ¥3.36


服务套餐 1 个项目 3 个项目 5 个项目
深度修改套餐 ¥6932 ¥11932 ¥17732
VIP文书套餐 ¥9132 ¥15332 ¥24932

文书导师 文书修改套餐导师
  • 45 用户
  • 5 评分
  • 2 评价数
  • 100% 按时率

Hello! I'm Sarah, a native English speaker based in the United States. I'm a highly experienced professional editor with a background in logistics and finance. My industry experiences have been further enriched through extensive training in both editing and writing, including earning a Bachelor of Arts degree in Creative Writing from Knox College. I use these skill sets to help my clients craft their prose and hone their arguments so they can stand out from the crowd and make their dream schools a reality. It would be my genuine pleasure to assist you in developing and perfecting your essays and applications!

2010/09 ~ 2014/06 Knox College | Bachelor | Creative Writing
¥588 起 / 300单词


服务等级 300单词以下 超出300单词
¥588 ¥1.96
¥980 ¥2.52
¥1960 ¥3.36


服务套餐 1 个项目 3 个项目 5 个项目
深度修改套餐 ¥6932 ¥11932 ¥17732
VIP文书套餐 ¥9132 ¥15332 ¥24932

Dan F
修改过 6人文艺术 领域文书

文书导师 文书修改套餐导师 模拟面试
  • 63 用户
  • 5 评分
  • 11 评价数
  • 55% 按时率
Dr. Dan is an award-winning published author, prolific scholar, and highly experienced editor and educational consultant. Utilizing authorial skills to gain admission to some of the best universities in the world, in top programs in humanities, law, and the social sciences (M.A. Washington University in St. Louis, Ph.D. Duke University, admission to SOAS, Oxford, Cambridge, Columbia, and others), as well as some of the most prestigious international fellowships (Fulbright, Henry Luce Foundation, Mellon Foundation, Harvard University research fellowship), I have helped dozens of applicants gain similar successes. Let me be your advocate in getting into the program of your dreams! 我曾以作家的身份多次获奖,我同时也是著作良多的学者,经验丰富的编辑、教育顾问。我曾凭借自己的写作能力收获著名大学的录取,比如人文、法律和社会科学方面的顶尖项目(圣路易斯华盛顿大学硕士、杜克大学博士、SOAS、牛津大学、剑桥大学、哥伦比亚大学等),也获得了一些颇负盛名的国际奖学金(比如:富布赖特、亨利卢斯基金会、梅隆基金会、哈佛大学研究奖学金)。我已经帮助数十名申请者获得了名校录取。让我成为您进入梦想项目的领路人!
2013/08 ~ 2018/05 Duke University | PH.D | History
2009/08 ~ 2011/05 Washington University in St. Louis | Master | Near Eastern Studies
¥882 起 / 300单词


服务等级 300单词以下 超出300单词
¥882 ¥2.94
¥1470 ¥3.78
¥2940 ¥5.04


服务套餐 1 个项目 3 个项目 5 个项目
深度修改套餐 ¥10398 ¥17898 ¥26598
VIP文书套餐 ¥13698 ¥22998 ¥37398


服务价格 ¥1040 / 60分钟

Megan P
修改过 2人文艺术 领域文书

文书导师 文书修改套餐导师
  • 319 用户
  • 4.9 评分
  • 41 评价数
  • 100% 按时率

Hello! I'm Megan, a neuroengineer and researcher. I received my bachelor's degree from Harvard University in neurobiology, along with a certificate in global health and health policy and a language citation in Chinese. In 2021, I completed a master's degree in electrical and computer engineering with research projects in neuroengineering and synthetic biology. I have extensive experience as editor of global health and scientific research publications, and I am the author of numerous articles, publications, and policy documents. I have also served on admissions committees for some of the most selective scholarships and summer programs in the United States. I am very excited to work with you and help you reach your goals!

2017/09 ~ 2021/05 Boston University | Master | Electrical & Computer Engineering
2011/09 ~ 2016/05 Harvard University | Bachelor | Neurobiology
¥882 起 / 300单词


服务等级 300单词以下 超出300单词
¥882 ¥2.94
¥1470 ¥3.78
¥2940 ¥5.04


服务套餐 1 个项目 3 个项目 5 个项目
深度修改套餐 ¥10398 ¥17898 ¥26598
VIP文书套餐 ¥13698 ¥22998 ¥37398

Alana M
修改过 3人文艺术 领域文书

文书导师 文书修改套餐导师
  • 229 用户
  • 5 评分
  • 37 评价数
  • 89% 按时率

Published author and college advisor with extensive expertise in writing and editing

2009/09 ~ 2011/06 University of California, Los Angeles | Master | Education
2004/08 ~ 2008/05 University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign | Bachelor | Psychology
¥559 起 / 300单词


服务等级 300单词以下 超出300单词
¥559 ¥1.862
¥931 ¥2.394
¥1862 ¥3.192


服务套餐 1 个项目 3 个项目 5 个项目
深度修改套餐 ¥6585 ¥11335 ¥16845
VIP文书套餐 ¥8675 ¥14565 ¥23685

Sandra Y
修改过 3人文艺术 领域文书

  • 331 用户
  • 4.67 评分
  • 93 评价数
  • 100% 按时率
Hello there! I'm a nonprofit management professional, spending over 20 years of my career in leadership roles with several prestigious nonprofit organizations. I hold a PhD in Nonprofit Management and Leadership, and helping others is not just what I do; it's who I am!
2017/09 ~ 2022/12 Capella University | PH.D | Nonprofit Management & Leadership
2006/01 ~ 2008/01 Fairleigh Dickinson University | Master | Nonprofit Leadership
¥588 起 / 300单词


服务等级 300单词以下 超出300单词
¥588 ¥1.96
¥980 ¥2.52
¥1960 ¥3.36

Nickla A
修改过 4人文艺术 - 语言文学 领域文书

文书导师 文书修改套餐导师
  • 1923 用户
  • 4.92 评分
  • 268 评价数
  • 95% 按时率

Having completed the Bar course at Birmingham University of Law, and gained a Bachelors Degree in Jurisprudence from Oxford University I now work as an audit and compliance manager for Amazon.

2014/09 ~ 2015/06 University of Law | Master | Law
2010/10 ~ 2013/06 University of Oxford | Bachelor | Law
¥588 起 / 300单词


服务等级 300单词以下 超出300单词
¥588 ¥1.96
¥980 ¥2.52
¥1960 ¥3.36


服务套餐 1 个项目 3 个项目 5 个项目
深度修改套餐 ¥6932 ¥11932 ¥17732
VIP文书套餐 ¥9132 ¥15332 ¥24932
芝士圈 小耶 微信二维码