Sam H


  • 文书导师
  • 文书修改套餐导师
  • 博士服务
  • 平均评分
    4.91 / 5
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* 来源于网站真实服务数据

文书顾问简要 简介

Professional editor, medical writer and Zhishiq senior advisor. I'm what you may refer to as an aggressive editor- I tackle each document head-on, regardless of subject matter, and work diligently and thoroughly through each word, sentence and paragraph to give you the best. I work closely with my clients to help them reflect what's most important to them, while at the same time maintaining quality standards and addressing program requirements and expectations. It's hard entrusting a complete stranger with an element of your future, but the good news is: I'm not satisfied until you are.

我是一个专业编辑,医学作家同时还是芝士圈留学资深顾问。我是一个兢兢业业的顾问-对于每一篇我接手的文书, 对于每一个单词,每一个句子每一个段落的修改我都想做到最好。在保证高质量标准和达到项目要求的前提下,我希望可以帮助在文书中向招生官展示什么对你来说是最重要的。 我知道把自己的未来托付给一个陌生人是非常困难的,不过好消息是在我会一直帮助直到你感到满意。

顾问自我介绍 自我介绍

In addition to being a graduate of the University of Ottawa (Canada), with an honours bachelor degree in Health Sciences, I have completed post-graduate studies in Publishing, with a focus on editing and proofreading. I have completed several courses related to editing, including specialized courses in copy-editing, proofreading in scholarly and reference publishing, as well as educational publishing. My background makes me well-equipped to handle your documents with utmost professionalism, experience and care. 

I also run my own editing business and greatly enjoy the work I am fortunate to do helping others improve their work. Writing has always been an ingrained passion of mine, possibly a product of my bookworm escapades from childhood. I have had the pleasure of editing a variety of written work, including academic manuscripts such as theses, business websites, company information pamphlets, cover letters and resumes, school applications and so much more. Many of my clients are non-native speakers of the English language, so I have become very familiar with the process of editing non-native language inconsistencies. I find it very rewarding taking the work of others (which is always rich with great content) and turning it into the perfectly presented document they desire it to be. People have such great things to say, but may not have the ability to express it in English at the level they need to...and that's where I love to step in and help! I hope I can continue to develop and offer my assistance through the Zhishiq platform. Looking forward to working with you! 




除了作为荣誉毕业生毕业于渥太华大学健康卫生科学专业, 目前我正在瑞尔森大学攻读出版学研究生证书。这个项目中,我正在研修一些专修课程包括校对 版式排版以及电子出版课程。这些课程让我可以在处理你的文书的时候有足够的专业素养

同时在经营我自己的编辑校对事业并且我乐在其中。我对写作有着心底迸发而出的激情.  曾经有幸修改过非常多的写作文稿,包括学术手稿,商务网站, 公司宣传单页, 求职信简历以及学校申请材料。很多我的客户的母语都不是英语, 所以我在处理这些文稿方面非常有经验。 我发现修改这些有优质内容文稿能给我带来非常大的成就感。 大家不知道如何合理表达这些有意思的内容让我感到非常可惜,所以我希望帮助你解决这些问题。 期待可以和你一起合作!



Ryerson University

Master Publishing

University of Ottawa

Bachelor Health Sciences


获奖 & 荣誉




  • 博士
  • 硕士
  • 本科
  • 其他


  • 162 计算机科学/工程
  • 118 市场营销学
  • 114 金融学
  • 109 会计、审计、金融管理
  • 75 工商管理/MBA
  • 63 统计科学
  • 41 生物化学
  • 39 商业分析
  • 39 电子工程
  • 38 传媒与新闻学
  • 38 材料科学/工程
  • 36 化学工程
  • 36 数据科学
  • 31 战略管理学
  • 26 教育学
  • 26 公共政策分析学
  • 25 法律学
  • 25 其它医学相关专业
  • 22 文学
  • 21 生物学
  • 21 金融工程
* 数据来源于该顾问服务订单所属专业的分类汇总


服务质量204 人评价
  • Q
    Q Nov 10, 2022
    博士文书服务 个人陈述 VIP服务 其它医学相关专业

    During my process of applying for a Ph.D. position, I suffered from writing all kinds of documents. I didn't have any ideas for PS, my mind's gone blank. Sam is very professional that could use professional words of my research field. He helped me organize the content and gave me a perfect structure for the essay. He is the best. He always encourages you to find yourself more deeply.

    • Sam H头像
      Sam H

      Thank you for your kind words and warm review, Q. It was such a pleasure working with you. All the best!

  • April
    April Nov 1, 2022
    硕士文书服务 Others 深度修改 语言学

    Sam is very professional and easy to collaborate with. He definitely understood my intention and managed to improve the overall quality of my document. He is also efficient and finished both iterations very quickly. I highly recommend him!

    • Sam H头像
      Sam H

      Thank you April, for your lovely review. It was a pleasure to work with you. All the best!

  • Yuchen
    Yuchen Feb 2, 2022
    硕士文书服务 Statement of Purpose 深度修改 教育学

    Thanks to Sam's in-time help, I have received a perfect SOP before the deadline. I strongly recommend Sam to all of you for his conscientiousness and expertise in editing and proofreading. Sam帮助我改善了文书内部句子之间的衔接和表意,整体流畅了许多。

  • Yuchen
    Yuchen Jan 31, 2022
    推荐信修改服务 深度修改 教育学

    Sam completed the iteration of my RL quickly and left very useful suggestions for me.

    • Sam H头像
      Sam H

      Thanks for the kind review, Yuchen! Wishing you all the best with your application!

  • Marina
    Marina Nov 27, 2020
    英文简历修改服务 深度修改 金融学

    I can't be more satisfied!

  • Marina
    Marina Nov 27, 2020
    推荐信修改服务 深度修改 金融学

    I was struck by Sam's professionalism and carefulness. Not only did he revise very well, but he was very punctual and reliable. Thank you so much for Sam's help! Looking forward to the future cooperation!
    to other clients:Sam真的很靠谱很牛逼!我之前还担心来不及在ddl之前改完推荐信和简历了,结果他改得又快又好而且态度非常棒。选他不会错!

    • Sam H头像
      Sam H

      Thanks Marina! You were a pleasure to work with; wishing you all the best!

  • 187****7056
    187****7056 Mar 18, 2020
    硕士/博士文书套餐 项目套餐 VIP服务 会计、审计、金融管理

    I’ll give Sam all five stars for his high quality service. I’ve purchased a VIP package, including personal statements, recommendation letters and a CV. It was really a nice experience to work with him.
    The word choice, sentence structure, and the logic behind the paper works are perfect. However, you should tell a whole story first. Sam can help to tell the story better, only if you provide enough information as the foundation. Sam can turn A to A+, but maybe not A to A’. Cause A and A’ are totally different things, but A and A+ are all based on A.
    I feel satisfied. The service is worth it. Hope I can receive my dream offer. Best wishes to Sam.

    • Sam H头像
      Sam H

      Dear Kelly,
      Thank you so much for your kind words.
      It was such a pleasure to collaborate with you and I wish you great success with your applications!


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