用户 Yudi 对芝士圈留学服务的所有评价

Yudi avatar Yudi 2019-03-21

useful and convenient

给顾问 Anna H 的评价:

Anna is very nice and always responds promptly and works very efficiently.
Thanks Anna, for your perfect service.

Yudi avatar Yudi 2019-03-22

convenient and useful

给顾问 Anna H 的评价:

Anna, thank you so much!!
I am very satisfied with your revised article.
Your high efficiency allows me to finish the application ahead of time.

Yudi avatar Yudi 2019-03-24

useful and convenient.

给顾问 Adam S 的评价:

Adam is so nice and professional! Thanks to his help, I finish the essay fast.

Adam,thank you very very much!!!
If I'm admitted, I will tell you the good news.

Yudi avatar Yudi 2019-03-27

useful and convenient

给顾问 Adam S 的评价:

professional and nice.
Thank you for your advice Adam!!!