用户 Claire 对芝士圈留学服务的所有评价

Claire avatar Claire

老师非常nice和专业, 客服小助手也非常尽职。

  • 芝士圈留学 Marco 回复 Claire

    小伙伴的意见俺们已经记录下来辣!可以推荐你使用小程序撒!hin方便哒~可以推荐客服微信(微信号:zhishiQmarco)发送给你哟:) 祝小伙伴申请顺利!

给顾问 Adam S 的评价:

Mr. Adam is really professional, responsible and warmhearted. He not only helped me write those attractive documents, but also gave me useful advice on career path and business related issues, triggering my thought and broadening my horizons. I gained more confidence through his help and have been shortlisted for the interview of my dream program!