
Monash University


项目名 英文名 专业排名
会计学 Master of Accounting
专业会计 Master of Professional Accounting
高级金融学 Master of Advanced Finance
银行与金融学 Master of Banking and Finance
理学硕士(天体物理学,大气科学,地球科学,物理) Master of Science (Astrophysics, Atmospheric science, Earth science, Physics)
高级工程学(机械工程) Master of Advanced Engineering (Mechanical Engineering)
高级工程学(材料工程) Master of Advanced Engineering (Materials Engineering)
高级工程学(电气工程) Master of Advanced Engineering (Electrical Engineering)
信息技术 Master of Information Technology
网络与安全 Master of Networks and Security
人工智能硕士 Master of Artificial Intelligence
高级工程学(化学工程) Master of Advanced Engineering (Chemical Engineering)
高级工程学(土木工程)(基础设施系统/交通/水利) Master of Advanced Engineering (Civil Engineering) (Infrastructure System/Transport/Water)
环境与可持续(企业环境与可持续性管理/环境与治理/环境安全/国际发展与环境/可持续发展领导) Master of Environment and Sustainability (5 specialisations)
高级工程学(可再生与可持续能源工程) Master of Advanced Engineering (Renewable and Sustainable Energy Engineering)
高级工程学(能源与可持续工程) Master of Advanced Engineering (Energy and Sustainability Engineering)
交通运输 Master of Transport and Traffic
法学(商法/争端解决/政府法律与监管实践/人权法/知识产权与传播法/国际法与比较法/法律与国际发展/普通/职场与雇佣法) Master of Laws (Commerical Law/Dispute Resulation/Government Law and Regulatory Practice/Human Rights/Intellectual Property and Conmmunications Law/In
争端解决 Master of Dispute Resolution
商法 Master of Commercial Law
专业会计与商法双学位 Master of Professional Accounting and Business Law
绿色与可持续技术硕士 Master of Green and Sustainable Technologies
数学硕士 Master of Mathematics
生物技术 Master of Biotechnology
应用经济学与计量经济学(应用计量经济学/应用经济学与计量经济学/企业经济学) Applied Economics and Econometrics (Applied Econometrics/Applied Economics and Econometrics/Business Economics)
商业(商业、道德与社会/商业化/普通/信息技术/法律与商业责任/人力资本管理/市场营销/项目管理/定量商业分析/风险管理/供应链管理/可持续性) Master of Business (Business, Ethics and Society/Commercialisation/General Studies in Business/Information Technology/Law and Responsible Business/Man
管理学 Master of Management
工商管理 Master of Business Administration
传播学与媒体研究 Master of Communications and Media Studies
文化与创意产业 Master of Cultural and Creative Industries
国际关系与新闻学双学位(普通/治理与安全/国际外交与贸易/新闻学/政治暴力与反恐) Master of International Relations and Journalism (General Studies in International Relations/Governance and Security/International Diplomacy and Trade
国际关系(上海交大双学位)(普通/治理与安全/国际外交与贸易/政治暴力与反恐) Master of International Relations (Double Masters with Shanghai Jiao Tong University) (General Studies in International Relations/Governance and Secur
国际关系(普通/治理与安全/国际外交与贸易/政治暴力与反恐) Master of International Relations (General Studies in International Relations/Governance and Security/International Diplomacy and Trade/Political Viol
国际发展实践 Master of International Development Practice
社会工作 Master of Social Work
口译与笔译研究(口译与笔译/笔译) Master of Interpreting and Translation Studies (Interpreting and Translation/Translation)
应用语言学(普通/以国际传播为目的的世界英语教学) Master of Applied Linguistics (General Applied Linguistics/Teaching World Englishes for International Communication)
教学(早期教育/小学教育/中学教育/早期与小学教育/小学与中学教育) Master of Teaching (Early Years Education/Primary Education/Secondary Education/Early Years and Primary Education/Primary and Secondary Education)
教育与发展心理学 Master of Educational and Developmental Psychology
专业心理学 Master of Professional Psychology
对外英语教学 Master of TESOL
教育学(成人学习/数字化学习/幼儿教育/教育领导与政策/专家教学实践/普通/全纳与特殊教育) Master of Education (Adult Learning/Digital Learning/Early Childhood Education/Educational Leadership and Policy/Expert Teaching Practice/General Educ
咨询学 Master of Counselling
建筑学 Master of Architecture
设计学(交互设计/多媒体设计/协同设计/高级设计研究) Master of Design (Interaction Design/Multimedia Design/Collaborative Design/Advanced Studies in Design)
职业治疗实践 Master of Occupational Therapy Practice
职业与环境卫生 Master of Occupational and Environmental Health
生物伦理学 Master of Bioethics
金融数学 Master of Financial Mathematics
精算学 Master of Actuarial Studies
商业信息系统(档案与记录/商业信息系统研究/图书馆与信息科学) Master of Business Information Systems (Archives and Recordkeeping/Business Information Systems Studies/Library and Information Science)
高级工程学(医学工程) Master of Advanced Engineering (Medical Engineering)
健康服务管理 Master of Health Service Management
公共卫生 Master of Public Health
生物医学与健康科学(传染病与人口健康/神经科学/再生医学与干细胞/心血管疾病) Master of Biomedical and Health Science (Infectious Diseases and Population Health/Neuroscience/Regenerative Medicine and Stems Cells/Cardiovascular D
饮食学 Master of Dietetics
食品科学与农商硕士 Master of Food Science and Agribusiness
新闻学(华威大学双学位) Master of Journalism (Double Masters with University of Warwick)
新闻学 Master of Journalism




