用户 Meiwei 对芝士圈留学服务的所有评价

Meiwei avatar Meiwei 2019-11-30


给顾问 Henry L 的评价:

Henry is so responsible and professional and gave me a quick and concise statement before the deadline. My prior PS is incomplete and off the requirement, but after his revision, a huge improvement has been made.

He is so great, thanks so much.

  • Henry L 回复 Meiwei 2019-11-30 18:07

    Thank you very much for your kind review! - very best of luck with your application!

Meiwei avatar Meiwei 2019-12-16


给顾问 Adam S 的评价:

Adam gave me a lot of useful suggestions, he is so kind, responsible and efficient.

  • Adam S 回复 Meiwei 2019-12-20 04:44

    Thank you very much for your kind comments, Meiwei. I've greatly enjoyed working with you.
    My very best wishes,