用户 Lexi (Yiying) 对芝士圈留学服务的所有评价

Lexi (Yiying) avatar Lexi (Yiying) 2017-10-26

Savanna makes my paper more strong and specific with great grammar structure, word choice, and content.

给顾问 Savanna R 的评价:

Thank you so much for all your corrections and advices. I am more confident about my essay after all changes.

Lexi (Yiying) avatar Lexi (Yiying) 2017-11-01

Great service with detailed and fast responses.

给顾问 Savanna R 的评价:

Savanna gives me a lot of confidence about my essays and she made the essay more native, clear, and specific.

Lexi (Yiying) avatar Lexi (Yiying) 2017-12-03

Great service!

给顾问 Nickla A 的评价:

Nichla really made some crucial point to my essay and helped me deliver clearer and stronger ideas.