University of Nevada
Public Health
University of Nevada
Environmental Studies
Freire and Davenport
Medical writer
Shepherd Consulting
Mitch Waite Group
Research Assistant
University of Nevada
Co-Principal Investigator, grant funded research
World Health Organization
Principal Investigator, grant funded research
World Health Organization
Research Assistant
University of Nevada
Technical Advisor
U.S. Department of Energy
获奖 & 荣誉
Mitze Hughes Departmental Scholarship
Greenspun School of Urban Affairs
Excellence in Research Award
School of Community Health Sciences
Reaching out and reaching up - developing a low cost drug treatment system in Cambodia
Axel Klein, Vonthanak Saphonn, Savanna Reid
Harm Reduction JournalEstimating the Burden of Disease from Unsafe Injections in India: A Cost–benefit Assessment of the Auto-disable Syringe in a Country with Low Blood-borne Virus Prevalence
Savanna Reid
Indian Journal of Community MedicineUncovering high rates of unsafe injection equipment reuse in rural Cameroon: validation of a survey instrument that probes for specific misconceptions
Mbah Patrick Okwen, Bedes Y. Ngem, Fozao A. Alomba, Mireille V. Capo, Savanna Reid, Ebong C. Ewang
Harm Reduction JournalInjections that kill: nosocomial bacteraemia and degedege in Tanzania
Savanna Reid
Rural and Remote HealthUnsafe health care in Africa: a joint statement of the research agenda
Savanna Reid
International Journal of STD & AIDSMinimum infective dose of HIV for parenteral dosimetry
Savanna Reid, Omary Juma
International Journal of STD & AIDSInjection drug use, unsafe medical injections, and HIV in Africa: a systematic review
Savanna Reid
Harm Reduction JournalIncrease in clinical prevalence of AIDS implies increase in unsafe medical injections
Savanna Reid
International Journal of STD & AIDS各项能力
- 硕士
- 本科
- 其他
134 金融学
127 计算机科学/工程
103 会计、审计、金融管理
65 统计科学
61 电子工程
31 传媒与新闻学
28 金融工程
27 教育学
26 经济学
26 机械工程
26 工商管理/MBA
24 材料科学/工程
21 生物化学
19 法律学
18 管理信息系统
18 工业工程、运筹学
17 商业分析
16 市场营销学
15 化学工程
15 数学
14 艺术学
Jack Jan 18, 2018
硕士文书服务 Statement of Purpose VIP服务 商业分析
Great job on turing scattered information to a well-organized and fluent essay! Thank you Savanna!
Sheen Huang Jan 18, 2018
硕士文书服务 Essay 语言润色 金融学
Savana is very professional with sentence-paraphrasing. After her revision, my language and sentence structure are more diversified and well-constructed. I really want to thank her for the help!
Ricky Jan 17, 2018
硕士文书服务 Personal Statement 深度修改 会计、审计、金融管理
She is very nice with great sense of responsibility. She gave many valuable suggestions and response to my questions on time. I really appreciate her work.
Melody Jan 12, 2018
硕士文书服务 Personal Statement 深度修改 统计科学
Savanna's polishing is helpful and thorough. Looking forward to further cooperation.
ellen Jan 10, 2018
硕士文书服务 Personal Statement 深度修改 计算机科学/工程
I'm so thankful for your decent work! Your polish has saved my poor expression! Thanks again!
Meng Jan 4, 2018
硕士文书服务 Statement of Purpose 深度修改 统计科学
Savanna is great! Not only does she help polish my essay but also uses her professional knowledge to give me recommendations on sources to look at.