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Brandy avatar Brandy 2017-03-26


给顾问 Sam H 的评价:

I've read your version of my PS, and it is really much better than my own version!! Thanks for your work~! =)
By using " Small Happiness", I'm trying to describe a phrase initially used by Murakami Haruki in his work Afternoon in the Islets of Langerhans, describing little but certain happiness in life. This concept is quite popular in Japan and Taiwan recently.

  • Sam H 回复 Brandy 2017-03-26 22:04

    Thank you for the review, Brandy, and for letting me know about that term. All the best! 

  • Sam H 回复 Brandy 2017-03-26 22:04

    Thank you for the review, Brandy, and for letting me know about that term. All the best!