用户 Lydia Zhao 对芝士圈留学服务的所有评价

Lydia Zhao avatar Lydia Zhao 2014-10-15

This is really great work ! Thanks a lot for your help

给顾问 Ashley B 的评价:

This is really great work ! Thanks a lot for your help. (The evaluation point is 4, and I don't how to change it to a better grade, but it's really great work )

Lydia Zhao avatar Lydia Zhao 2014-10-27

Nice job!

给顾问 Harriet M 的评价:

Nice job!

Lydia Zhao avatar Lydia Zhao 2014-11-12

It's great and thanks a lot !

给顾问 Nickla A 的评价:

Thanks a lot for your patience and the work is very helpful!