用户 Pell 对芝士圈留学服务的所有评价

Pell avatar Pell 2015-11-11

Diane is so professional with a patient heart to listen to my questions and she can always get my point after i explain what i want to say. Sher corrected almost every Chinglish I used in my essay. Her expression of certain sentences are beyond my imagination. I appreciate her help very much. This is the most satisfying communication ever.

给顾问 Diane Moroff 的评价:

Thank you very much for your help. I really learned a lot from you. Your quick response and professional instructions are important to me. There are so many good points you helped me to figure out in my essay and I believe this will be a great help in my application. Thank you again!

Pell avatar Pell 2015-11-12

Professional and dedicated

给顾问 Diane Moroff 的评价:

Professional and dedicated

Pell avatar Pell 2015-11-18

She's the best

给顾问 Diane Moroff 的评价:

She's the best