用户 Lingchuan 对芝士圈留学服务的所有评价


芝士圈还算ok! 有的时候顾问改了时间,但是邮件上没有显示时间,不知道是哪里的问题

给顾问 Bruce Su 的评价:

顾问还是比较专业的,给我的简历提供了很多建设性意见,帮助我从0到1做一个纯商业简历到BA grad school申请简历的转型,也愿意做后期的答疑。

Lingchuan avatar Lingchuan 2021-12-13


给顾问 Sophie D 的评价:

Sophie is very professional and supportive throughout the process of essay revision. I purchased a package of deep-revision with my first draft, and Sophie accurately pointed out some areas that needed further elaboration. In the second draft, she appropriately re-presented my writing material in a more elegant and readable way. I will recommend her!

  • Sophie D 回复 Lingchuan 2022-01-17 21:05

    Thank you very much Lingchuan! I enjoyed working on your statement and I'm very glad you found the process helpful.