用户 Kevin Li 对芝士圈留学服务的所有评价

Kevin Li avatar Kevin Li


给顾问 Anne B 的评价:

Anne is a lovely person. Her words are concise and compelling.
She can edit an essay in a short period, but with massive work. It is pleasant to work with her.

  • Anne B 回复 Kevin Li

    Thank you! I have been absolutely honored to work with you, Kevin! You have a such a bright future ahead of you. I'm glad I am a little part of helping you prepare for it. All the best, Anne

Kevin Li avatar Kevin Li


给顾问 Anne B 的评价:

The second time working with Anne, she is still powerful and efficient.

  • Anne B 回复 Kevin Li

    Thank you, Kevin! I'm glad I had the chance to work with you again. All the best, Anne