用户 Selina 对芝士圈留学服务的所有评价

Selina avatar Selina 2020-03-10

客服非常好哦!!!不过感觉网站还需要继续升级 有时候感觉会卡 需要程序员小哥哥小姐姐继续加油咯!

给顾问 Henry L 的评价:

Thank you very much, Henry. I am very satisfied with the results of the application term. Now, I have offers from Columbia University, NYU, JHU, UPenn, UCSD and more schools are still pending. I cannot make this without your help!

Much appreciated!

  • Henry L 回复 Selina 2020-03-10 16:18

    Thank you very much for your kind review! - delighted to have helped with your applications!