用户 毛*杰 Jerry 对芝士圈留学服务的所有评价

毛*杰  Jerry avatar 毛*杰 Jerry 2018-08-16


给顾问 Marie L 的评价:

Very nice!

毛*杰  Jerry avatar 毛*杰 Jerry 2018-08-27


给顾问 Stevon G 的评价:


毛*杰  Jerry avatar 毛*杰 Jerry 2018-08-29

祝选到Emily W的同学好运

  • 芝士圈留学 Marco 回复 毛*杰 Jerry 2018-08-30 14:11


给顾问 Emily W 的评价:

Please be more responsible for your work.

  • Andy D 回复 毛*杰 Jerry 2018-09-13 16:36

    I would like to respond briefly to this review.

    I affirm your right to expect excellent work from our advisors. I am proud of the attitude and quality offered by our team, of which Emily is a highly-valued member. Having worked with Emily for many years, I know she is an outstanding, diligent, and conscientious advisor. This piece of feedback aside, I have heard nothing but high praise for her work.

    I want to repeat our apologies for any concerns you felt during the course of this service. The specific feedback you provided was gratefully received and has prompted us to make some meaningful adjustments to our process and advisor guidance. I’d like you to know we are committed to providing a great experience and a fantastic product.

    Andy Daum | Chief Product Officer/ coFounder, ZHISHIQ.com

给顾问 Stevon G 的评价:

Very nice!

  • Stevon G 回复 毛*杰 Jerry 2018-08-30 12:30

    Thank you for the compliment, Jerry. Perhaps we can work together again.