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求职咨询 美国 经济金融
  • 课程简述: This lesson is designed for international students with economic and finance background who are currently looking for employment in the U.S. During this process, I will help my clients with their career planning, resume and cover letter evaluation, networking skills, including how to use LinkedIn to expand your network effectively, and how to talk to potential employers during career fair.
  • 适用用户: The purpose of this service is to help clients get prepared for their job search.

This lesson is designed forinternational students with economic and finance background who are currently looking for employment in the U.S. During this process, I will help my clients with their career planning, resume and cover letter evaluation,networking skills, including how to use LinkedIn to expand your network effectively, and how to talk to potential employers during career fair. 

     As an international student, based on my own experience of jobsearching and networking, I could give you the most practical tips--even if you are someone with perfect academic record, you still need to know about networking cultures in order to get into your dream company; and even if you don't have a 4.0 GPA on your transcript, it does not mean you can't land your dream job. 



高考后在国内重点大学就读金融学,大二时毅然选择转学出国学习金融经济学,申请的过程历经千辛万苦,记得周围人的质疑,记得早上五点起来一遍遍背单词,记得在下大雨的武汉淌着水去自习,也记得拿到录取时的激动,面试通过时的兴奋。研究生申请考GRE历时半年,拿到JHU, BU, NYU等学校的录取, 也收到了第一份在美的实习offer。在BU读研的两年时间里,我在金融、私募、非盈利等不同领域做过实习,最终拿到了第一份全职工作。曾独行滇藏西北,自驾横跨美国,也曾在丝毫不会西班牙语的时候独闯墨西哥。出国的每一年,心中都对"出国"二字有着新的不一样的理解,也在每一次挫折里离着梦想又进一步。




Boston University

Master Economic Policy

Southern Methodist University

Bachelor Financial Economics; Philosophy

Wuhan University of Technology

Bachelor Finance


Research Associate

Private Capital Research Institute

Industry Research Intern

Creativestar Solutions, Inc



Marketing Intern

Bakes for Breast Cancer

Finance Intern

C.P. Baker Company

Logistics Intern

O.W. Bunker USA

获奖 & 荣誉



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