
Yale MBA 2020/2021 R2 面经 

1月中旬收到Yale SOM的面试邀请,预约的2.9号,面试前有两个task,一个是AO会分享一个Dean’s quote需要提前看看,有可能在面试中问到自己的理解,另外一个就是在系统中提交一个对自己有共鸣的Quote。面试前24小时会收到学校的邮件,里面的log-in信息及所有二年级面试官的profile简介。


1. Walk through your professional experience.

2. What’s your most favorite role/job in your past professional experience and why?

3. Tell me a time when you disagree with others and how you learned from it.

4. Why do you pursue an MBA at this point of time?

5. What are your post-MBA career goals?

6. What’s the uniqueness of Yale SOM to you and how does it help you to achieve your career goals?

7. How do you contribute to the diversity of the Yale SOM community based on your understanding of the Dean’s quote?

8. Why do you choose your quote and what does it mean to you?

9. What’s the most unforgettable experience about your hobby?

10. Q&A

Yale MBA 2020/2021 R1 面经

Second-Year Student / Zoom

Was a typical zoom interview. You enter the call at your scheduled time.

Blind interview by a second-year student. Seems randomly chosen, regardless of your background.

1. Took a good 3-4 minutes chit-chatting; talking about football games, travelling.

2. Run through the resume, but focus on the work experience.

3. Had follow-up questions about my work experience. (Do you manage a team? How many?)

4. What would you change about your organization?

5. What kind of friction do you have with your manager? How to overcome them?

6. Why leave the job you enjoy? What are your goals?

7. Why MBA?

8. How would you get involved at Yale SOM?

9. Any other programs you are looking into?

10. Any questions for me? (only had like 1 minute left…)

Overall, the interview was great. Nothing too out of ordinary. Had good connection with the interviewer. Although I would have preferred in-person, but it was fine. I was accepted with $$$ scholarship.

Yale MBA 2019/2020 R2 面经

我是1月上旬交的Yale,拿到面试邀请后看了一下时间恐怕去不了on campus了,所在国家R2也没有hub city可以面试,于是回国休假期间约了在线面试。


1. A brief self-introduction.

2. A few follow-up questions about the resume.(简历对方应该是提前看过了)

3. Leadership experience.

4. A success in career.

5. A failure in career.

6. Career goals, short-term and long-term.

7. Why MBA, why now, why Yale SOM?

8. How I could contribute to the Yale community?

9. Any questions for me?



我经过两年的MBA申请,对美国和英港坡的主流商学院都有了深入的了解。如今也收获了NYU Stern和USC Marshall ($50,000)的offer。在我的服务中,我可以根据您的实际情况来制定合适的申请学校列表,并向您介绍这些学校的特点、申请流程、文书题目、面试偏好、奖学金情况等细节,希望我的经验可以给您带来充分的帮助







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  2. 申请成功者背景参考: 注册 后添加客服微信,发送「目标申请国家/地区+专业」领取
  3. 注册后无限量查看:留学文书范文,含PS/SOP、简历、essay等