
今天介绍一个相对比较冷门的专业,社会老龄学,social gerontology。其实只是这个专业名称相对冷门,很多大学的社会学的导师一直在研究社会老龄化的问题,McMaster就这个领域开设了专门的PhD program,隶属于faculty of social sciences。McMaster的这个专业学制4年。



•Social-cultural dimensions of aging

•Systems, services and policy

•Environments and inequalities

•Diversity and inclusion


•  相关专业领域的硕士学位,均分B+(比如在aging, social sciences领域)

•  具有研究aging问题的兴趣和经验

•  语言成绩: 雅思6.5/托福92 (之前的学位是英语授课,maybe豁免)

•  Writing sample,statement of interest(research proposal)等文书




绝大多数录取的PhD students 都享受funding packages, 覆盖学费和生活费。比如在免除学费基础上,每年享受至少13,500加币的生活补贴。



01 Michel Grignon

Professor | Graduate Chair of the Department of Health, Aging & Society | Associate Scientist of Institut de Recherche et Documentation en Èconomie de la Santé | Editor-in-chief of Health Reform Observer – Observatoire des Réformes de Santé


Working with colleagues at Dalhousie University in Nova Scotia, he’s exploring how to assess health and provide healthcare among older people comparing Canada’s aging population with countries like Japan, whose population is even older. These issues are urgent not just because older people tend to get sick more often, but also because the nature of those illnesses are different

02 Y. Rachel Zhou



Dr. Zhou is interested in understanding how globalization processes (not limited to economic globalization) have both challenged and reproduced social inequalities experienced by people in local and transnational settings, and how public policy (e.g., social, health and immigration policies) has responded to the changing contexts of these issues. Research Interests include globalization, immigration, transnationalism; HIV and AIDS, and global health; aging and pensions; social/health policy; culture, gender, sexuality, and time/temporalities.

03 Christina Sinding

Professor | Director of the School of Social Work


Chris undertook a mixed-methods study exploring what lay people ask for and expect from care providers, and what providers are inclined and able to offer, in the context of public sector restructuring and prevailing discourses of responsibility, expertise and choice. This study asked ‘who gets what’ in cancer care both quantitatively (examining resource allocation as it varies by socioeconomic status) and qualitatively (looking into the often-subtle ways that disparities in access to resources actually come about, especially in relation to class privilege and disadvantage).

A second major focus of Chris’s teaching and research has to do with the arts – how social work teachers, researchers and practitioners can draw on the arts to achieve insight, engagement, and social justice goals.

04 Jim Dunn

Professor | Department Chair of the Department of Health, Aging & Society | Director of McMaster Institute for Healthier Environments | Senator Wm McMaster Chair in Urban Health Equity


Department chair and urban geographer James Dunn likes to bend studies around natural experiments. He studies living communities as they undergo transformations, and explores how built environments affect the mental and physical health in neighbourhoods and communities.

Early in his career, he helped reveal how neighbourhoods that naturally evolve toward greater socioeconomic and cultural diversity produce better health outcomes among those who live there. More recently, though, his focus has turned to the question of whether this kind of healthy mixed neighbourhood can be engineered – or at least fostered – through public policy.

05 Nicole Dalmer

Assistant Professor


With a background in Library and Information Science, Nicole’s SSHRC and AGE-WELL funded-work resides at the intersection of information and care, studying how aging in place contexts, assumptions surrounding digital literacies, and evolving family responsibilities shape who is able and who is expected to be informed in care relationships







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