
Master of Chinese Medicine

  • 社科
  • 医学






课程名 英文名
1 中医各家学说与临床应用 Theories and Clinical Application of Traditional Chinese Medicine
2 中医学思维与方法论 TCM Thinking and Methodology
3 中医药科研方法与实践 Research Methods and Practice of TCM
4 方剂配伍理论与实践 Formula Compatibility Theory and Practice
5 中药市场学及管理学 Chinese Medicine Marketing and Management
6 内伤杂病的理论研究与治疗研习 Theoretical Research and Treatment of Miscellaneous Internal Injuries
7 仲景学说研究与应用 Research and Application of Zhongjing Theory
8 温病学说研究与应用 Epidemiology Research and Application
9 实践研习 - 中医内科研究与应用 Practical Study - Internal Medicine Research and Application of Chinese Medicine
10 专题论文 Monograph
11 中药作用机理与安全用药 Mechanism of Action and Safe Use of Traditional Chinese Medicine
12 现代中药研究进展 Research Progress of Modern Chinese Medicine
13 中医各家学说与临床应用 Theories and Clinical Application of Traditional Chinese Medicine
14 中医学思维与方法论 TCM Thinking and Methodology
15 中医药科研方法与实践 Research Methods and Practice of TCM
16 方剂配伍理论与实践 Formula Compatibility Theory and Practice
17 中药市场学及管理学 Chinese Medicine Marketing and Management
18 针灸的生理基础与实验研究 Physiological Basis and Experimental Study of Acupuncture and Moxibustion
19 临床针灸学进阶 Advances in Clinical Acupuncture
20 肌肉骨骼疾患的检查与诊断 Examination and Diagnosis of Musculoskeletal Disorders
21 实践研习 - 针灸研究与应用 Practical Study - Acupuncture Research and Application
22 专题论文 Monograph
23 中药作用机理与安全用药 Mechanism of Action and Safe Use of Traditional Chinese Medicine
24 现代中药研究进展 Research Progress of Modern Chinese Medicine
25 中医各家学说与临床应用 Theories and Clinical Application of Traditional Chinese Medicine
26 中医学思维与方法论 TCM Thinking and Methodology
27 中医药科研方法与实践 Research Methods and Practice of TCM
28 方剂配伍理论与实践 Formula Compatibility Theory and Practice
29 中药市场学及管理学 Chinese Medicine Marketing and Management
30 中医推拿治疗学 TCM Massage Therapy
31 中医骨伤与骨病治疗学 Chinese Medicine Bone Injury and Bone Disease Treatment
32 肌肉骨骼疾患的检查与诊断 Examination and Diagnosis of Musculoskeletal Disorders
33 实践研习 - 骨伤与推拿研究与应用 Practical Study - Bone Injury and Massage Research and Application
34 专题论文 Monograph
35 中药作用机理与安全用药 Mechanism of Action and Safe Use of Traditional Chinese Medicine
36 现代中药研究进展 Research Progress of Modern Chinese Medicine




