University College Cork
University of Hawai'i
Bellevue College
English Instructor
Northwood English Communication Academy
I taught English to students of all ages at several schools over two years in Hyogo Prefecture, Japan.
Philosophy Tutor
University College Cork
I gave lectures and led discussions as a graduate student in the Department of Philosophy at University College Cork in Ireland.
Writer/ Director/ Producer
Gadfly Theatre Company
I wrote, produced, and directed theatrical productions in New York City and Honolulu for Gadfly Theatre, a company I founded with several other artists.
- 硕士
- 本科
- 其他
13 计算机科学/工程
8 统计科学
7 金融工程
7 电子工程
7 会计、审计、金融管理
6 化学工程
4 市场营销学
3 运筹学、供应链管理、物流管理
3 金融学
3 传媒与新闻学
3 农业科学、工程
2 生物学
2 地球科学/大气学
2 文学
2 艺术学
2 公共政策分析学
2 国际关系
2 法学大类
1 海洋工程
1 工商管理/MBA
1 材料科学/工程
orliwe Nov 25, 2014
硕士文书服务 RL 深度修改 金融工程
nice work! fluent English writing and useful suggestions to clarify my RL
xyy201110 Oct 23, 2014
英文简历服务 深度修改 生物学
Thank you Chris! You really did this very well to make my CV definitely better than the previous version. And I'm also impressed with your carefulness and warm notes. Would it be possible, I'd like to make friends with you. My Email address is xuyiyun@cau.edu.cn, if you feel it's OK, please contact me :)
zhanmonu Oct 19, 2014
英文简历服务 语言润色 历史学
Efficient and Helpful! You are so kind for giving me many useful suggestions and notes in some parts.