Charis K

Writer and Editor

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文书顾问简要 简介

With an MSc from the University of Edinburgh, I have many years of experience in teaching undergraduate students and have mentored hundreds of students. As a writer and editor, I am skilled at providing effective, inspiring and motivating feedback. My first priority is establishing a warm and supportive relationship with any student I work with. From there, I will work closely with you to boost your confidence, hone your writing skills and ensure your application stands out.

我拥有爱丁堡大学的硕士学位,拥有多年本科生教学经验,并指导过数百名学生。 作为一名作家和编辑,我擅长提供有效、鼓舞人心和激励人心的反馈。 我的首要任务是与任何与我一起工作的学生建立一种温暖和支持的关系。 从那时起,我将与您密切合作,以增强您的信心,磨练您的写作技巧并确保您的申请脱颖而出。

顾问自我介绍 自我介绍

I have in depth experience of the university application process from both sides: with a MSc degree from the University of Edinburgh and a BA(Hons) degree from the University of Cape Town, I have many years experience in completing successful applications to a range of institutions and programmes. Through my own experience of writing applications which have been successful in attaining entry to competitive programmes, internships and scholarships, I have learnt how to write an application that stands out, makes a strong argument, and captures what is unique about you. 


As a volunteer coordinator at the University of Edinburgh, I have reviewed hundreds of applications and led many interview panels: I know what makes a successful application from the point of view of the reviewer, and how to ensure you make the strongest impression. With significant experience as a Teaching Assistant for undergraduate university students, as well as experience teaching English as a second language, I have supported hundreds of students with feedback on their writing and essays, while acting as a warm, supportive and dynamic mentor. My academic and teaching experience is supplemented by experience as a writer for various art galleries and publications. 


What sets me apart is the attention I will pay you: I am a passionate educator and will always seek to unlock your potential, build your confidence, and help you put your best foot forward.


我在两所的大学申请过程中都有深入的经验:拥有爱丁堡大学的理学硕士学位和开普敦大学的文学学士学位(荣誉学士),我有多年成功完成一系列申请的经验。 通过我自己撰写成功获得竞争性课程、实习和奖学金的申请的经验,我学会了如何撰写一份引人注目的申请,提出强有力的论点,并捕捉到你的独特之处。



University of Edinburgh

Master Modern and Contemporary Art: History, Curating & Criticism

University of Cape Town

Bachelor Curatorship

University of Cape Town

Bachelor Visual and Art History; Italian Language and Literature


Gallery Assistant

University of Edinburgh

English Teacher

Simply English

Widening Participation Officer

University of Edinburgh

Content Writer

Barnard Gallery

Gallery Administrator & Curatorial Assistant

Barnard Gallery

Curatorial Intern

Iziko South African National Gallery

Teaching Assistant

University of Cape Town


Peggy Guggenheim Collection

获奖 & 荣誉




  • 博士
  • 硕士
  • 本科
  • 其他


  • 1 地理学
* 数据来源于该顾问服务订单所属专业的分类汇总


  • Kate
    Kate Dec 7, 2021
    推荐信修改服务 语言润色 艺术学

    It was a right choice to have Charis revise my recommendation letter in art field. She made it more professional and fluent. Thank you, Charis!


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