
Katie C

PhD Candidate

  • 文书导师
  • 文书修改套餐导师
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    5 / 5
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文书顾问简要 简介

I have six years of experience helping students with academic writing, including personal statements, application letters, and publications. Having just finished my PhD in the philosophy of education, I also hold a MA in Philosophy of Education from UCL IoE and a MSc in Higher Education from Oxford University. Higher education is my passion and as a long-time international student from the USA in the UK, I am keen to help you achieve your educational goals at top universities.

我有六年帮助学生进行学术写作的经验,包括个人陈述、申请信和出版物。 刚刚完成我的教育哲学博士学位,我还拥有 UCL IoE 的教育哲学硕士学位和牛津大学的高等教育硕士学位。 高等教育是我的热情所在,作为一名在英国长期居住在美国的国际学生,我热衷于帮助您在顶尖大学实现您的教育目标。

顾问自我介绍 自我介绍

Higher education is my passion. Following my BS in Psychology with Minors in French and Public Administration at Grand Valley State University in Michigan USA, I followed my dream of working at a university to pursue my MSc in Higher Education from the University of Oxford. Still wanting to learn more I pursued a MA in the Philosophy of Education at the UCL Institute of Education which led me to my doctoral studies. I presented my research on educational questions at conferences and have published in academic journals.

Currently I am a member of the first ever cohort of the UKCISA #WeAreInternational Student Ambassadors. In this role I have led our initiative to create the first-ever UK-wide International Student Charter. With the Charter, we hope to influence high-level policy and universities with the international student voice.

During my doctoral studies I have served as the Technical Editor and Board Member of the American Journal of Education Forum. In this role I assisted student writers by providing feedback on their papers. In addition, during my undergraduate studies I worked as a Writing Consultant. In this role I worked with twenty student writers a week providing feedback and guidance on their writing. With six years of experience reviewing student writing, I am keen to help students beginning their educational journeys.


目前,我是 UKCISA #WeAreInternational 学生大使的第一批成员。在这个职位上,我领导了我们创建有史以来第一个全英国国际学生宪章的倡议。通过宪章,我们希望以国际学生的声音影响高层政策和大学。

在我攻读博士期间,我曾担任美国教育杂志论坛的技术编辑和董事会成员。在这个角色中,我通过提供对他们论文的反馈来帮助学生作家。此外,在本科学习期间,我还担任过写作顾问。在这个职位上,我每周与 20 位学生作家一起工作,为他们的写作提供反馈和指导。凭借六年的学生写作审查经验,我热衷于帮助学生开始他们的教育之旅。



University of Leeds

PH.D Philosophy of Education

University College London

Master Philosophy of Education

University of Oxford

Master Higher Education

Grand Valley State University

Bachelor Psychology


Student Ambassador

UK Council for International Student Affairs
  • Leading a working group of international students to create a UK-wide International Student Charter for education providers to formally commit to supporting international students
  • Represents international students in speaking and public events with education providers and stakeholders in the UK

Assistant Technical Editor and Board Member

American Journal of Education Forum
  • Created publication schedule, managed author deadlines and delegated reviewing tasks to board members
  • Reviewed and edited manuscripts for publication, providing feedback for student writers

Writing Consultant

Fred Meijer Center for Writing and Michigan Authors


Provided feedback for student writers in one-to-one and group discussions

Utilized communication skills and knowledge of academic writing to help students improve their writing in academic and professional contexts

获奖 & 荣誉




  • 硕士
  • 本科
  • 其他


  • 35 传媒与新闻学
  • 19 法律学
  • 17 教育学
  • 13 音乐
  • 11 商业分析
  • 9 金融学
  • 8 经济学
  • 6 历史学
  • 5 数据科学
  • 5 计算机科学/工程
  • 4 建筑学
  • 2 公共政策分析学
  • 2 风险管理
  • 2 金融工程
  • 2 地球科学/大气学
  • 2 化学工程
  • 2 艺术学
  • 1 运筹管理学
  • 1 文化和宗教学
* 数据来源于该顾问服务订单所属专业的分类汇总


服务质量11 人评价
  • Jack
    Jack Apr 3, 2022
    推荐信修改服务 深度修改 法律学

    perfect work. make language looks more professional

  • Anna
    Anna Jan 29, 2022
    硕士文书服务 Personal Statement 语言润色 文化和宗教学

    Very careful and efficient. Thank you.

  • Katherine
    Katherine Jan 25, 2022
    硕士文书服务 Personal Statement 深度修改 教育学

    Katie has done a really good job and provided prompt feedback. I appreciate her help.

  • Yuchen
    Yuchen Jan 15, 2022
    英文简历服务 深度修改 教育学

    Katie helps me with her expertise in education and conscientiousness. She is very careful and patient!

  • Henry
    Henry Dec 6, 2021
    硕士文书服务 Personal Statement 深度修改 商业分析

    Katie pays great attention to details and helps me reflect the best version of myself in PS.

  • Jinyi
    Jinyi Nov 28, 2021
    推荐信修改服务 语言润色 生物化学

    Excellent Work!

  • Jinmu
    Jinmu Nov 27, 2021
    硕士文书服务 Personal Statement 深度修改 地球科学/大气学

    Katie is definitely the best language advisor I have even seen, she always has very thoughtful opinion about my statement, and finish the two editions very timely ! Thanks for you suggestions and revision of my personal history statement!


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