Connor S

PhD Candidate

  • 文书导师
  • 博士服务
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文书顾问简要 简介

I am a PhD candidate at the University of Toronto in the departments of History and Jewish Studies. Previously, I completed a Master’s at the University of Oxford, attended teacher’s college at Queen’s University, and completed a Bachelor’s in History and French Studies at Trent University. I have experience editing written work both within academia in North America and the UK and outside of academia with the Government of Canada. 参考译文:我是多伦多大学历史和犹太研究系的博士研究生。此前,我在牛津大学(University of Oxford)完成了硕士学位,在皇后大学(Queen 's University)就读师范学院,并在特伦特大学(Trent University)完成了历史和法语研究学士学位。我在北美和英国的学术界和加拿大政府的学术界之外都有编辑书面工作的经验。
I am a PhD candidate at the University of Toronto in the departments of History and Jewish Studies. Previously, I completed a Master’s at the University of Oxford, attended teacher’s college at Queen’s University, and completed a Bachelor’s in History and French Studies at Trent University. I have experience editing written work both within academia in North America and the UK and outside of academia with the Government of Canada. 参考译文:我是多伦多大学历史和犹太研究系的博士研究生。此前,我在牛津大学(University of Oxford)完成了硕士学位,在皇后大学(Queen 's University)就读师范学院,并在特伦特大学(Trent University)完成了历史和法语研究学士学位。我在北美和英国的学术界和加拿大政府的学术界之外都有编辑书面工作的经验。

顾问自我介绍 自我介绍

Throughout my academic career I have gained a lot of experience writing and editing successful applications to universities in North America and the UK. I have edited both undergraduate and graduate students’ applications for grants, scholarships, and fellowships. I also have experience editing the academic writing of scholars working in my field. Finally, I have experience with editing outside of academia: I was a Youth Services Officer with the Government of Canada where I helped to polish the resumes and cover letters of youth job seekers.

I have taught a wide range of subjects in the humanities and social sciences from a high school to an undergraduate level. I have graded and provided feedback on hundreds of essays and worked with students to improve their writing. Finally, I have experience working one on one with international students to guide them through the essay writing process for university courses.

Adapting your writing to meet the expectations and conventions of different cultural contexts and audiences is a challenging task. I will help you convey your qualifications, experience, and subject knowledge in a clear and compelling manner, structured in a way that will be familiar to your target universities. I look forward to working together with you to communicate a polished, but authentic message!




Throughout my academic career I have gained a lot of experience writing and editing successful applications to universities in North America and the UK. I have edited both undergraduate and graduate students’ applications for grants, scholarships, and fellowships. I also have experience editing the academic writing of scholars working in my field. Finally, I have experience with editing outside of academia: I was a Youth Services Officer with the Government of Canada where I helped to polish the resumes and cover letters of youth job seekers.

I have taught a wide range of subjects in the humanities and social sciences from a high school to an undergraduate level. I have graded and provided feedback on hundreds of essays and worked with students to improve their writing. Finally, I have experience working one on one with international students to guide them through the essay writing process for university courses.

Adapting your writing to meet the expectations and conventions of different cultural contexts and audiences is a challenging task. I will help you convey your qualifications, experience, and subject knowledge in a clear and compelling manner, structured in a way that will be familiar to your target universities. I look forward to working together with you to communicate a polished, but authentic message!






University of Oxford

Master Modern British and European History

Queen's University

Bachelor Education

Trent University

Bachelor History and French Studies


Course Instructor

University of Toronto, Department of History

“Conflict and Cooperation in the International System since 1945”; third year History of international Relations; Full course design, administration, lecturing, and grading responsibilities; University of Toronto, Department of History; 2018, 2019

Teaching Assistant

University of Toronto, Department of History

6 years experience, full teaching and grading responsibilities, courses include:

Statecraft and Strategy

Histories of Violence

20th European History

Commodities in World History

Youth Services Officer

Government of Canada, Service Canada

Developed and implemented workshops to assist youth job seekers

Managed regional student job bank

Teaching Assistant

Trent University, Department of Modern Languages
2nd year undergraduate French Linguistics course

获奖 & 荣誉




  • 博士
  • 硕士
  • 本科
  • 其他


  • 6 商业分析
  • 6 历史学
  • 5 教育学
  • 5 法律学
  • 4 心理学
  • 4 计算机科学/工程
  • 4 社会学
  • 3 建筑学
  • 2 艺术学
  • 2 人类学
  • 1 文学
  • 1 国际关系
  • 1 传媒与新闻学
  • 1 政府公共管理学
  • 1 金融学
  • 1 经济学
  • 1 政治学
  • 1 数据科学
  • 1 机械工程
  • 法学大类
  • 工程大类
* 数据来源于该顾问服务订单所属专业的分类汇总


服务质量24 人评价
  • Taffy
    Taffy Dec 27, 2019
    硕士文书服务 Personal Statement 深度修改 心理学

    Extremely patient and professional
    Upgrade my PS into a new level

    • Connor S头像
      Connor S

      Thanks for the kind words! Best of luck with your application.

  • Xinyi
    Xinyi Dec 11, 2019
    推荐信修改服务 语言润色 建筑学

    Connor S is awesome! He is professional and patient. He helps me so much on my recommendation letter!! I feel lucky to have Connor helping me!

    • Connor S头像
      Connor S

      Thanks so much for the feedback. Best of luck with your application!

  • yiyz
    yiyz Nov 11, 2019
    硕士文书服务 Statement of Purpose 语言润色 机械工程

    Excellent job, far beyond my anticipation. After the modification, my document become smoother and more coherently.

    My consultant gave me the feedback really quick: I got the feedback the next day I submitted.

    • Connor S头像
      Connor S

      Thanks for the feedback, Yiyz. It was a pleasure working with you. I wish you the best of luck!


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