Jake M

English Teacher

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  • 文书导师
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文书顾问简要 简介

Having studied literature at Harvard and creative writing at the Iowa Writer's Workshop, Jake enjoys helping students turn good drafts into great finished essays. Writing, storytelling, and teaching are his passions, and he has the insight and experience to know exactly what an essay needs to push it over the top. He loves working with students and hearing their stories. Jake also knows exactly what it takes to get into top universities, and he draws from his experiences as an Ivy League student and as a professional editor to help students write the best statements, letters, and resumes possible. 在哈佛学习文学并在爱荷华州作家工作室学习创意写作后,Jake 喜欢帮助学生将优秀的草稿变成优秀的论文。写作、讲故事和教学是他的激情所在,他有洞察力和经验,可以确切地知道一篇文章需要什么才能让它脱颖而出。他喜欢和学生一起工作,听他们讲故事。 Jake 还确切地知道进入顶尖大学需要什么,他从常春藤盟校学生和专业编辑的经历中汲取经验,帮助学生尽可能写出最好的陈述、信件和简历。
Having studied literature at Harvard and creative writing at the Iowa Writer's Workshop, Jake enjoys helping students turn good drafts into great finished essays. Writing, storytelling, and teaching are his passions, and he has the insight and experience to know exactly what an essay needs to push it over the top. He loves working with students and hearing their stories. Jake also knows exactly what it takes to get into top universities, and he draws from his experiences as an Ivy League student and as a professional editor to help students write the best statements, letters, and resumes possible. 在哈佛学习文学并在爱荷华州作家工作室学习创意写作后,Jake 喜欢帮助学生将优秀的草稿变成优秀的论文。写作、讲故事和教学是他的激情所在,他有洞察力和经验,可以确切地知道一篇文章需要什么才能让它脱颖而出。他喜欢和学生一起工作,听他们讲故事。 Jake 还确切地知道进入顶尖大学需要什么,他从常春藤盟校学生和专业编辑的经历中汲取经验,帮助学生尽可能写出最好的陈述、信件和简历。

顾问自我介绍 自我介绍

Jake is an editor, writer, and teacher who cares deeply about how a piece of writing sounds and how it thinks. When he is not working on his own poetry and essays, Jake is either teaching college students or reading novels. He speaks Spanish and has lived in Mexico, Israel, and all across the United States.

Jake 是一位编辑、作家和老师,他非常关心一篇文章的声音和想法。当他不写自己的诗歌和散文时,杰克要么教大学生,要么读小说。他会说西班牙语,曾在墨西哥、以色列和美国各地生活过。

Jake is an editor, writer, and teacher who cares deeply about how a piece of writing sounds and how it thinks. When he is not working on his own poetry and essays, Jake is either teaching college students or reading novels. He speaks Spanish and has lived in Mexico, Israel, and all across the United States.

Jake 是一位编辑、作家和老师,他非常关心一篇文章的声音和想法。当他不写自己的诗歌和散文时,杰克要么教大学生,要么读小说。他会说西班牙语,曾在墨西哥、以色列和美国各地生活过。



Iowa Writers' Workshop

Master Poetry

Harvard University

Bachelor English


Fulbright English Teaching Award


Jake received a Fulbright fellowship to teach English in Mexico City for the 2018-2019 school year. He taught classes on English grammar, vocabulary, reading, speaking, and writing. 

获奖 & 荣誉

Fulbright English Teaching Assitantship

United States Fulbright Program

Jake received a Fulbright English Teaching Award and spent one year teaching English in Mexico City, Mexico. 




  • 博士
  • 硕士
  • 本科
  • 其他


  • 17 计算机科学/工程
  • 12 电机、电气工程
  • 11 电影、电视
  • 9 商业分析
  • 9 数据科学
  • 8 公共政策分析学
  • 7 金融学
  • 6 机械工程
  • 5 市场营销学
  • 4 政府公共管理学
  • 4 经济学
  • 4 教育学
  • 4 传媒与新闻学
  • 4 国际关系
  • 4 艺术学
  • 4 统计科学
  • 3 环境工程
  • 3 法律学
  • 3 文学
  • 3 其它医学相关专业
  • 2 金融工程
* 数据来源于该顾问服务订单所属专业的分类汇总


服务质量29 人评价
  • Scarlett
    Scarlett Mar 26, 2020
    硕士文书服务 Statement of Purpose 语言润色 商业分析

    thank you very much dear Jack.
    you are so professional

  • Grace
    Grace Jan 22, 2020
    博士文书服务 个人陈述 深度修改 旅游和酒店管理

    Jake is really nice and patient. Thanks for his guide and questions, we have finally finished a satisfied PS. Thanks and best wishes!

  • Yuxiu
    Yuxiu Jan 22, 2020
    硕士文书服务 Statement of Purpose 深度修改 艺术学

    Jake is the best editor I've worked with. He grasps my hidden ideas precisely, and help with rearranging my messy writings. He did it with great patience and lots of encouragement. I would recommend Jake to anyone who truly cares about their writing and want to transform it into something better:)

  • Yitong
    Yitong Jan 20, 2020
    推荐信修改服务 深度修改 人类学

    Excellent edit! The final document is very professional, accurate and logical. Thanks!

  • ERIN
    ERIN Jan 17, 2020
    硕士文书服务 Personal Statement 语言润色 商业分析

    Jake,you are so amazing and it's really helpful to me. Million Thanks!

  • R
    R Jan 7, 2020
    推荐信修改服务 语言润色 软件工程

    Thank you very much for your detailed revision and practical suggestions!

  • Dolores
    Dolores Dec 17, 2019
    硕士文书服务 Personal Statement 语言润色 电影、电视

    This is the second time I work with Jake and I think I have to comment honestly.
    Pro- Efficiently reduced the word counts; Spotted and fixed some awkward expressions; Friendly, and replied fast.
    Con- Altered some of the original meanings; Ignored or used some repetitive words and phrases (although Jake was very responsive and offered suggestion after I pointing out the problems, I did spend extra time checking the statement myself).
    Overall- Satisfactory but below my expectations given the editor's background.


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