
顶尖金融名校cass business school卡斯商学院专业详解
专业介绍 金融 卡斯商学院- 课程简述: 详细介绍cass business school 的16个金融/管理/精算类细分专业
- 适用用户: 针对想要申请卡斯商学院的同学

选校 英国 商科- 课程简述: 结合兴趣与能力是最好的留学规划
- 适用用户: 针对国内本科985 & 211 及其它财经院校的同学

备考 GMAT- 课程简述: 资料/方法/短板攻克
- 适用用户: 对Gmat考试有一定了解且善于思考的同学

备考 雅思 听力- 课程简述: 两次雅思听力8.5的战绩 正式留学前从未踏出国门却在英国的第一堂课做到听懂毫无压力的无缝衔接 教你雅思,更教你学术中如何让听力能力更有效地帮助你
- 适用用户: 适用于有一定英语基础,但听力较为薄弱,想要在雅思考试中取得听力高分的同学
·Comprehensive knowledge of management, finance, and accounting as applied across disciplines
·Strong skills with analysis and cross-cultural communication, honed through numerous internships
·Ample leadership experience through team competitions and leading volunteer organisations in the domains of public welfare, career development, and international exchange
·Rich experience in graphic design, artistic skating and table tennis
Cass Business School
Master Msc. International Accounting and Finance
Hunan University
Bachelor 会计学
安永会计师事务所 Ernst & Young (EY ) GLOBAL LIMITED
1. Conducted substantive procedures including detail test such as sampling test as well as bank confirmation independently and prepared auditing papers of Property, Plant & Equipment, Cash, Expenses, Intangible Assets sections independently for a large multinational group in Hongkong
2. Participated in the M & A process of PuraPharm; responsible for Inventory Stocktake Monitoring such as designing the process and key items of the stocktake, conducting the control test and completed the evaluation and suggestion report of inventory management of a potential sub-company of PuraPharm in order to help the client evaluate the merge value more reasonably
3. Enrolled in professional training session for winter internship programme on auditing process, financial environments and capital markets; led a team to gain the 3/20 out of all teams during the competition
1. Participated in the Management Strategy & Architecture Consulting Project for China’s largest multinational energy firm project and was responsible for benchmark analysis, data analysis, and blueprint design of financial business
2. Interviewed 20+ members of financial department and Center of Technologies of the client and prepared the gap report of financial needs and technology reality
3. Participated in the tender of BMW Data Warehouse Project and was responsible for needs & gap analysis
1. Assisted the department of asset accounting to calculated the accumulated depreciation of the asset; catagorised the reasons of depreciation and analysed the trend with MS Excel
2. Assisted the department of cost accounting and helped the initial setting of cost management system more effectively and accurately after conducted the industry analysis
3. Assisted finance manager to implement the policy of replacing business tax with value-added tax
AIESEC 国际经济学商学学生联合会
1. Conducted a detailed analysis of more than 2000 internship positions with the knowledge of finance, accounting, statistics and marketing to help the trainee choose the suitable position better; successfully helped three trainees to go internship abroad
2. Enhanced my leadership, communication skills and cooperative sense
75784****@qq.com Oct 13, 2016
留学顾问咨询: GMAT短期快速突破
130****1063 Oct 12, 2016
留学顾问咨询: 英国商科选校策略及申请安排
Vicky L Sep 19, 2016
留学顾问咨询: 英国商科选校策略及申请安排
首先要跟Alexandra道歉 之前信誓旦旦说我肯定不会忘记评价 结果还是忘了 没有及时反馈 Alexandra给了我一个很好的申请思路 竭尽全力地帮助我 连聊天中不断闪现的小灵感也不放过 都第一时间告诉了我 让我了解到申请是可以通过很多很多自己没有想到的渠道了解到自己需要的咨询的 对于想学商科的同学 可以找Alexandra聊聊 很有帮助