
选校 商科 美国- 课程简述: 非名校背景申请美国商科
- 适用用户: 想申请美国商科的学生
罗切斯特大学西蒙商学院会计学研究生,本科毕业于江西财经大学,通过全部ACCA考试,大二开始决定留学并着手准备,大四拿到University of Rochester, Syracuse University, Maryland University, Fordham University等六所北美商科学校的录取和奖学金。全程参与留学申请,擅长指导非名校背景如何通过努力和充分准备拿到名校offer。
University of Rochester
Master Accounting
Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics
Bachelor Accounting (ACCA track)
Voluntary Income Tax Preparer
• Certified tax preparer for State of New York
• Prepared and electronically filed federal and NYS tax returns for income eligible individuals.
Audit Assistant
• Participated in preliminary audit for three firms in real estate and logistics industries, gained an understanding of audit approach, methodology and tools.
• Fulfilled assigned audit tasks, independently prepared audit papers of over eight subjects.
• Identified and communicated audit issues with senior associates, performed research and discussed with clients to resolve the issues discovered.
• Performed walk through tests and control tests of purchase & payment systems to identify control deficiencies.
• Acquired bank confirmation for over 10 banks and collected previous data to compile supporting documentation.
Grant Thornton CPAs
Audit Assistant
• Fulfilled complete audit procedures of year-end audit and tax audit for seven firms as a team of five.
• Performed analytical procedures to detect unusual variations, communicated with client and report underlying causes to senior associates for proper adjustments or necessary notes in audit working papers.
• Performed audit procedures including cash counting, bank confirmation requests, vouching and filling audit report notes for all seven projects to ensure audit completeness.
• Communicated persuasively to convince clients to deliver documents needed to ensure sufficiency of audit evidence, and established good working relationships with client personnel.
Shanghai Pujiang CPAs
Audit Assistant
• Provided support with audit projects, attended meeting to make audit plan.
• Conducted vouching, filing and other audit procedures.
获奖 & 荣誉
Shijin Overseas Scholarship (Top 1%)
Merit Scholarship (Top 10%)
Dean’s List
Excellent Student Leader
Excellent Student Leader
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