
其他- 课程简述: 荷兰临床心理学硕士在读,对于学校课程设置,师资力量了如指掌。能根据学生的自身条件来推荐合适的学校
- 适用用户: 在荷兰学习心理学感兴趣/ 迷茫不知所措纠结症患者

其他- 课程简述: 一小时 让你快速了解自己的强弱项写出完美个人陈述
- 适用用户: 个人陈述无从下笔/对初稿不满意的同学
Master Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience - Clinical Psychology
Bachelor 心理学/儿童青少年学
Research Internship
Maastricht University
Thesis Project: Escape Computation: Modelling the Decision-Making Dynamics of Flight Behaviour among Humans
This project aims to reveal the interplay of cognitive and motivational mechanisms of flight behaviour among humans using a novel experimental paradigm, "Graveyard Run”.
Supervisor(s): Dennis Hernaus, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry & Neuropsychology,
School for Mental Health and Neuroscience (MHeNs); Conny Quaedflieg, Ph.D., Assistant Professor,
Department of Neuropsychology & Psychopharmacology, Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience
Researcher & coordinator
SungkyunKwan University
Project title: Emotional Disclosure, Subjective Well-Being in Daily Life after Stressful Life Events and a Moderation Effect of Neuroticism: A Diary Study
Contributions: • Designed the diary study protocol and administrated beeps using formr (https://formr.org/). • Recruited and coordinated participant. • Conducted data analysis using multi-level moderated mediation model on R and Mplus. • Presented the results virtually at SPSP 2023 annual convention.
Research Internship
Wuhan University
Project title: Experimental Methods for Inducing Awe: A Meta-Analysis
Contributions: • Conducted literature research and meta regression and subgroup analysis on R to reveal the most effective method to induce awe in experimental settings. • Presented the initial results virtually at SPSP 2022 annual convention.
Collaborator (s): Zhaoliang Yu, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Emotion and Social Cognition Lab, Deptartment of
Psychology; Myron Tsikandilakis, Ph.D., Associate Professor, School of Psychology & School of Medical and
Health Sciences, University of Nottingham
获奖 & 荣誉
2022 SPSP Diversity Undergraduate Travel/Registration Award
Society of Personality and Social Psychology
Learning emotional dialects: A British population study of cross-cultural communication
Tsikandilakis, M., Bali, P., Lanfranco, R. C., Kausel, L., Yu, Z., Boncompte, G., Karlis, A.-K., Alshammari, A., Li, R., Milbank, A., Burdett, M., Mével, P.-A., Madan, C., & Derrfuss, J.
Emotional disclosure, subjective well-being in daily life after stressful life events and a moderation effect of neuroticism: A diary study
Li,R., Tsikandilakis, M ., Zhao, Y., Xia, Ziqian (2023)
Poster presented at Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Convention, Atlanta, GA
Experimental methods for inducing awe: A meta-analysis
Li, R., & Yu, Z.
the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA
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