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  • 课程简述: 最高效带你探索美国顶尖的教育学院,为你量身定制最匹配的专业选择
  • 适用用户: 想要了解和计划申请北美教育学类项目的学生/研究生申请
  1. 介绍北美顶尖教育学院的各自特色和优势项目
  2. 结合行业实际,深入分析项目的就业方向和前景
  3. 引导学生深入了解自己的特长和职业诉求,拟选最匹配自身发展的教育项目





Columbia University

Master Education



• Deeply engaged in strategy development and the integration of social impact solutions for 6 EdTech pilot transformations through strategy customization and tailored sessions. Attracted significant funding for enhanced software efficacy and sustainability.
• Steered an in-depth analysis of software procurement in post-secondary institutions, producing an industry-first strategy for decision support and authoring a comprehensive procurement guide to enhance software selection, integration, and user alignment, aided institutions in avoiding common pitfalls.
• Spearheaded the procurement decision project as Project Manager, guiding a team of 4 industry experts to completion on time and within budget. Fostered team motivation and accountability through team-building efforts and maintained effective communication with the clients.
• Assisted Gates Foundation's entry into the target emerging market by identifying the growing market segment and potential investment opportunities. Collaborated on extensive market research, competitive analysis, and primary research for valuable field insights.


• Initiated and streamlined the survey tool development for a two-phase global research project on COVID-19 impact on higher education systems. Presented findings from student perspectives at a global convention.
• Developed a 70-question survey on education access, equity, education quality, and university administration to inform global policy responses; Managed data collection and survey distribution among 157 member states, 500 institutions, and 15,000 students via national commissions, deriving insights into prevailing conditions and regional challenges.
• Visualized large-scale datasets pertaining to national and global higher education development. Reports were published by UNESCO, guiding policy interventions on institutional management, global equity, and resource allocation.
• Conducted case study on China's tertiary education, assessing government policies and the industry context. The study provided valuable insights for strategic development in member states with similarly high technical workforce demands.

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