
专业介绍- 课程简述: 为什么要留学,选校除了看排名还应该关注什么,毕业之后何去何从?也许你从未想过这些问题,也许你正在迷茫。我会结合自身经历帮你提供思路与答案。
- 适用用户: 对于是否要留学以及如何选校感到迷茫的同学

求职- 课程简述: 在美国读了文科类专业还能找到好的工作,拿到H1B签证吗?我将结合自己在美求职工作的经验(以及教训)和你分享找工作的最佳资源,简历、面试等各个环节的宝贵tips
- 适用用户: 想在美国翻译/本地化行业工作的同学
标化 | 总览 | 分项 | |||
GPA | 总分 3.80/4.00 | ||||
排名 | 名次 / | ||||
雅思 | 分数详情 |
录取学校 | 专业(项目) | 录取类型 | 奖学金 |
蒙特雷明德学院国际研究 | 英语 | offer | |
Personal Statement
Personal Statement

New Yorker, Project Manager
MA in Translation and Localization at MIIS
BA with first honor at CUHK
Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey (MIIS)
Master Translation and Localization Management
Chinese University of Hong Kong
Bachelor Translation
Project Manager
SDL/Donnelley Financial Solutions
o Translated a number of pertinent documents into Chinese, including, but not limited to, Fact Sheets, Prospectus, Shareholder Reports, Key Investor Information Documents, Key Fact Statement, and Regulatory Shareholder Communications
o Reviewed the assigned jobs and assessed the need for additional information, such as compilation of glossaries, list of acronyms, technical terminology, and translation memories
o Worked with translation teams and linguistic assets to ensure compliance with the company’s production workflows and ensured that quality and turnarounds standards were met
o Selected and assigned translation teams, negotiated rates and deadlines, and coordinated production with translators, proofreaders, in-country client reviewers, typesetters, and Customer Service Representatives
o Monitored Status Reports and kept administrative personnel, salespersons, and Customer Service Representatives up-to-date at all times with respect to deliverable milestones and deadlines
o Conducted quality checks of translation deliverables prior to client delivery
Assistant Editor
Rearch Center for Translation
o Edited and proofread research papers and translations for the journal Renditions according to the required house styleAugust - December 2013 o Coordinated public lectures and conferences; organized the flow of meetings and facilitated panel discussions
获奖 & 荣誉
Dean's List
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
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