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专业介绍 电气与计算机工程 实习 就业- 课程简述: 电气与计算机专业课程机相关内容的详细解答,实习机会以及就业前景
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特色服务 学术论文 套磁- 课程简述: 基于我在国际顶级发表学术论文的经验,给予想要参与科研项目的学生引导。我也长期和海外著名研究机构合作,发邮件的技巧陶瓷的技巧也是能够获得offer的利器
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本科毕业于电子科技大学。目前博士就读于新加坡国立大学电气与计算机工程系。申请季斩获美国西北大学,新加坡国立大学,新加坡南洋理工大学全奖博士,博士期间发表学术论文多篇(Nature Communications, Nature Physics, Nano Letters, Advanced Materials)并被相关媒体报道。我可以结合自己当年全程DIY的申请经验以及在新加坡多年的学习生活经验,帮助你更好的面对前期留学准备到后期拿到offer之后的形形色色的问题,一同成长,共同进步。
National University of Singapore
PH.D electrical and computer engineering
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Bachelor Electrical Engineering
National University of Singapore
任何一个学校的科研过程都是时间长且枯燥的,国大也是一样。从开始接受一个项目,拿到一整套可以发表的数据,论证分析数据的合理性,写成论文投稿,回复严苛的审稿人到最后看到自己的成果发表。这个过程无疑是漫长痛苦枯燥的。但是,当自己能够拿到自己想要的数据,分析不了的数据突然间豁然开朗的时候,当看到自己的成果发表在一个相对不错的杂志,得到同行评攒的那一刻,自己的内心还是很满足的。读博士本来就是一个修炼的过程,这个过程不只是对研究领域的不断深入与了解,你还会学到如何与各种仪器以及材料供应商打交道,如何自信的站在台前把自己的研究成果传达给其他人,如何优雅的回复邮件,和来自各个国家的人沟通交流。我一直觉得,博士是对一个人基于特定的研究方向全方位的培养。博士期间所培养的严谨,快速学习已经沟通交流的能力,是一个人在本科和硕士期间接受不到的,也让我坚信是以后走上工作岗位的利器。诚然,对于一个博士生而言,研究占据了一大部分时间,如果遇上比较严格的导师,心理压力也会很大。所以适当的娱乐运动和社交,以及每年适当的假期出游,可以给本来就单调的博士生活添点儿彩。引用我学姐在博士论文中写的一句话与大家共勉,“They say that if life hands you lemons, make lemonade. They also say that anything worth doing is worth doing well, and when push came to shove, it turns out that I went on and made the best darn lemonade that I could. At the end of the day, though, the journey mattered more than the destination. Anyway, cheers – I hope you enjoy the lemonade!”
获奖 & 荣誉
NUS research Scholarship
The NUS Research Scholarship is awarded to outstanding graduate students for research leading to a higher degree at the University. The Scholarship consists of a monthly stipend plus a tuition fee subsidy.
Direct visualization of current-induced spin accumulation in topological insulators
Yang Liu, Jean Besbas, Yi Wang, Pan He, Mengji Chen, Dapeng Zhu, Yang Wu, Jong Min Lee, Lan Wang, Jisoo Moon, Nikesh Koirala, Seongshik Oh & Hyunsoo Yang
Nature CommunicationsCharge-to-spin conversion in various materials is the key for the fundamental understanding of spin-orbitronics and efficient magnetization manipulation. Here we report the direct spatial imaging of current-induced spin accumulation at the channel edges of Bi2Se3 and BiSbTeSe2 topological insulators as well as Pt by a scanning photovoltage microscope at room temperature. The spin polarization is along the out-of-plane direction with opposite signs for the two channel edges. The accumulated spin direction reverses sign upon changing the current direction and the detected spin signal shows a linear dependence on the magnitude of currents, indicating that our observed phenomena are current-induced effects. The spin Hall angle of Bi2Se3, BiSbTeSe2, and Pt is determined to be 0.0085, 0.0616, and 0.0085, respectively. Our results open up the possibility of optically detecting the current-induced spin accumulations, and thus point towards a better understanding of the interaction between spins and circularly polarized light.
132****6090 Nov 21, 2020
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