
背景提升 美国 教育- 课程简述: 提高申请美国教育类研究生的竞争力
- 适用用户: 拥有教育梦想,但不知道自己如何成为教育工作者的国内本科生

专业介绍 美国 教育- 课程简述: 美国教育类研究生专业的系统介绍
- 适用用户: 对教育有热情,但不知道如何选择教育类专业的国内本科生
- 经历:7份申请,7个不同教育类专业
- 挑战:普通国内本科,普通托福、GRE考试分数
- 收获:包括藤校哥大的6份Offer。拒绝常青藤哥伦比亚大学的录取,怀一份感恩的心选择南加大享受加州阳光
- 专业:深入了解美国教育体制,研究分析各高校教育类专业
- 精准:合理定位,透彻分析,发掘潜能
- 爱心:教育业内人士,爱学生没有任何理由
University of Southern California
Senior Admission Consultant
WENDY Education Consultancy
Provide customized admission counseling and application guidance for high school and college students who intend to pursuit higher education in the United States on weekly basis
Develop individualized college prep plan tailored to students' learning preference and personalities and ensure students execute the plan
Work with high school students and teach sessions on note-taking skills, anxiety management skills, time management, activity planning, communication skills, and etc.
Write student progress and performance analysis report and advise students on ways of improvement
Participate in seasonal sales events and provide initial counseling services for potential customers
Assist sales and marketing team to promote education products in terms of on ground roadshow, online
seminar, search engine marking, and etc.
Test Prep Instructor
Teach SAT, ACT, and TOEFL test prep courses on small group or one-on-one setting
Design SAT, ACT and TOEFL courses of different levels
Design and prepare additional test materials, lesson plans, student performance evaluation, and parent
feedback report to make sure students have the best learning experience
Deliver lecture or speech on international education and college application on monthly basis
SAT Instructor
Kaplan Test Prep
• Teach SAT and test prep courses
• Provide customized lessons for individual students
• Identify students' weaknesses and strengths and offer academic help
Peer Coach
American River College
• Work one-on-one with disabled students and provide course help
• Conduct students' learning preferences survey and identify students' strengths and weaknesses
• Teach effective learning strategies and study skills to disabled students
lixiyouci Nov 11, 2014
TYPE_consult 学校/专业信息