
Anne B

Localization Editor and English Instructor

  • 文书导师
  • 文书修改套餐导师
  • 博士服务
  • 平均评分
    4.93 / 5
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  • 服务用户
  • 服务按时率
* 来源于网站真实服务数据

文书顾问简要 简介

Hello! I want to help you craft impactful essays. My writing and editing strengths are brevity, clarity, a keen eye for detail, and knowing my audience. As an American with an advanced degree in English and formal training in editing, I can polish your writing and improve your fluency as you strive to stand out amongst your peers. 你好!我想帮助您撰写有影响力的文章。我写作和编辑的优势是简洁、清晰、对细节的敏锐眼光以及了解我的听众。作为一名拥有高级英语学位和正式编辑培训的美国人,当您努力在同龄人中脱颖而出时,我可以润色您的写作并提高您的文书流利度。
Hello! I want to help you craft impactful essays. My writing and editing strengths are brevity, clarity, a keen eye for detail, and knowing my audience. As an American with an advanced degree in English and formal training in editing, I can polish your writing and improve your fluency as you strive to stand out amongst your peers. 你好!我想帮助您撰写有影响力的文章。我写作和编辑的优势是简洁、清晰、对细节的敏锐眼光以及了解我的听众。作为一名拥有高级英语学位和正式编辑培训的美国人,当您努力在同龄人中脱颖而出时,我可以润色您的写作并提高您的文书流利度。

顾问自我介绍 自我介绍

I make my home in beautiful Sweden, where I teach English to children and adults. In my spare time you can find me taking walks around Stockholm, eating cinnamon buns, or video chatting with family and friends around the world!


I make my home in beautiful Sweden, where I teach English to children and adults. In my spare time you can find me taking walks around Stockholm, eating cinnamon buns, or video chatting with family and friends around the world!




Southeastern Louisiana University

Master English Literature


获奖 & 荣誉




  • 博士
  • 硕士
  • 本科
  • 其他


  • 19 传媒与新闻学
  • 13 会计、审计、金融管理
  • 13 计算机科学/工程
  • 11 经济学
  • 10 教育学
  • 6 数据科学
  • 5 商业分析
  • 4 金融学
  • 4 电机、电气工程
  • 4 电子工程
  • 4 城市规划
  • 4 心理学
  • 4 统计科学
  • 3 其它医学相关专业
  • 3 国际关系
  • 2 法律学
  • 2 金融工程
  • 2 区域研究学
  • 2 工商管理/MBA
  • 2 英语
  • 2 建筑学
* 数据来源于该顾问服务订单所属专业的分类汇总


服务质量27 人评价
  • TTG.
    TTG. Dec 26, 2019
    硕士文书服务 Statement of Purpose 深度修改 统计科学

    Since I need to submit my documents soon, Anne is so nice that she replies to my message soon and finishes the task within 24 hours even though today is Christmas. Moreover, Anne put in a great effort in analyzing my target program, then edits my documents based on the program. Her high-quality editing makes my motivation letter more reasonable and competitive. Also, Anne is familiar with the universities in Europe, she provides some useful information in the application process. Highly recommended, especially for the students aiming for the schools in Europe.

    • Anne B头像
      Anne B

      Wow, thank you for this fantastic review! It was truly my pleasure to work with you today and I wish you all the best in your application process! I hope you will let me know how it goes :)

  • Mingxiao
    Mingxiao Dec 24, 2019
    硕士文书服务 Statement of Purpose 深度修改 商业分析

    It is really a memorable experience to work with Anne. She gave me lots of useful suggestions on my SOP and always replied my questions timely with 100% patience. Her language is clear and strong. Anne even did many researches on my written topics, which really impressed me! Her professionalism and dedication win my full trust and help my SOP become much better!

    • Anne B头像
      Anne B

      Dear Mingxiao, it was a treat to work with you. I can't wait to hear about all your future successes. :) All the best, Anne

  • Andrew
    Andrew Dec 24, 2019
    硕士文书服务 Essay 深度修改 工商管理/MBA

    Anne is very professional and she helped a lot with my essay!

    • Anne B头像
      Anne B

      I'm very pleased you are happy, Andrew! It was a pleasure working with you! All the best, Anne

  • Camille
    Camille Nov 26, 2019
    博士文书服务 个人陈述 深度修改 管理信息系统

    Anne's language is clear and strong. She totally understands what I mean and makes my statement much more coherent. Many thanks!

    • Anne B头像
      Anne B

      Thank you for the kind review, Camille! It was a pleasure to work with you and I wish you all the best in your efforts to ensure diversity and civil engagement in cities big and small! Anne

  • Rachel
    Rachel Nov 25, 2019
    博士文书服务 个人陈述 深度修改 传媒与新闻学

    Anne is the best, She helped me with my personal statement and also my writing sample. She is very professional and has done research on the school I want to apply for. She is very patient and punctual.

    • Anne B头像
      Anne B

      Thank you, Rachel, I'm so happy you are pleased with the work. I wish you all the best in your academic and professional pursuits! You have chosen a very interesting field! Best regards, Anne

  • Rachel
    Rachel Nov 25, 2019
    博士文书服务 研究计划/写作样本 语言润色 传媒与新闻学

    Anne is very patient and helpful. I highly recommend her service. Very detailed!

    • Anne B头像
      Anne B

      It was my pleasure! Best wishes, Anne

  • Kevin Li
    Kevin Li Nov 23, 2019
    硕士文书服务 Essay 语言润色 计算机科学/工程

    The second time working with Anne, she is still powerful and efficient.

    • Anne B头像
      Anne B

      Thank you, Kevin! I'm glad I had the chance to work with you again. All the best, Anne


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