Anant B

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文书顾问简要 简介

I am glad that you have decided to invest in your education. I am well-placed to support you in your journey, as you successfully obtain an admission at the university of your choice. Studying at top-ranked universities such as University of Cambridge and University of Chicago as an international student has taught me what admissions offices typically look for in successful applicants, and how best to communicate your achievements. My job experience at Oxera (economic consulting for litigation and arbitration disputes), Deloitte and Morgan Stanley built on this and developed my ability to compose facts into a compelling ‘story’ that keeps a reader interested and convinced. Besides this, my girlfriend was a Chinese international student at LSE and my interactions with her, and her friends, have given me a unique perspective on the issues commonly faced by Chinese students in trying to communicate their achievements to western audiences. I am, therefore, personally motivated to help international students to better overcome the barrier we face in presenting ourselves in the best light. 投资海外教育并不便宜,但绝对物有所值。也许你对这充满变数的未来还有些迷茫,没关系,让我来帮助你开启这段精彩的旅程,并以得到你梦想学校的录取为终点。在剑桥大学和芝加哥大学的经历是我人生中的宝贵财富,它们也帮我了解到这些顶级学校在寻找什么样的学生,我将和你一起,用你的经历和成就书写一张通往理想大学的入场券。我曾在英国本土公司Oxera以及跨国公司德勤和摩根斯坦利工作过,日常工作中我经常需要“讲故事”,即用事实和数据构建出引人入胜又极具说服力的文章,让读者清晰地领会我想表达的意图。我也将会用这方面的经验和智识为你打造出专属你的精彩文书。此外,鉴于我有一个曾在伦敦政治经济学院读书的中国女朋友,我十分习惯与中国背景的留学生一起工作。在和我的女朋友以及她周围人的接触过程中,我深刻又直观地认识到了很多中国学生在和西方群体交流时的常见问题,因而,我十分希望能够帮助中国留学生克服这些表达和思考模式障碍,向申请学校表现出一个真正的、优秀的自己。
I am glad that you have decided to invest in your education. I am well-placed to support you in your journey, as you successfully obtain an admission at the university of your choice. Studying at top-ranked universities such as University of Cambridge and University of Chicago as an international student has taught me what admissions offices typically look for in successful applicants, and how best to communicate your achievements. My job experience at Oxera (economic consulting for litigation and arbitration disputes), Deloitte and Morgan Stanley built on this and developed my ability to compose facts into a compelling ‘story’ that keeps a reader interested and convinced. Besides this, my girlfriend was a Chinese international student at LSE and my interactions with her, and her friends, have given me a unique perspective on the issues commonly faced by Chinese students in trying to communicate their achievements to western audiences. I am, therefore, personally motivated to help international students to better overcome the barrier we face in presenting ourselves in the best light. 投资海外教育并不便宜,但绝对物有所值。也许你对这充满变数的未来还有些迷茫,没关系,让我来帮助你开启这段精彩的旅程,并以得到你梦想学校的录取为终点。在剑桥大学和芝加哥大学的经历是我人生中的宝贵财富,它们也帮我了解到这些顶级学校在寻找什么样的学生,我将和你一起,用你的经历和成就书写一张通往理想大学的入场券。我曾在英国本土公司Oxera以及跨国公司德勤和摩根斯坦利工作过,日常工作中我经常需要“讲故事”,即用事实和数据构建出引人入胜又极具说服力的文章,让读者清晰地领会我想表达的意图。我也将会用这方面的经验和智识为你打造出专属你的精彩文书。此外,鉴于我有一个曾在伦敦政治经济学院读书的中国女朋友,我十分习惯与中国背景的留学生一起工作。在和我的女朋友以及她周围人的接触过程中,我深刻又直观地认识到了很多中国学生在和西方群体交流时的常见问题,因而,我十分希望能够帮助中国留学生克服这些表达和思考模式障碍,向申请学校表现出一个真正的、优秀的自己。

顾问自我介绍 自我介绍

I have a four-part goal. First, work with you in understanding your skills and achievements. Second, support you in crafting those attributes in a form and 'story' that would convince an admissions office. Third, help you put together that story in your essays and documents in logical and nicer language. And finally, support your journey with my own experience. In doing so, I would draw on both my academic and professional experiences.

On the academic side, I bring my experience of achieving a double first class BA (Hons) degree in Economics from the University of Cambridge, and an MBA from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. This gives me insight into the minds of admissions teams in UK and US universities.

On the professional side, I bring my most recent experience as a consultant in London, specialising in litigation and arbitration disputes. A key part of this job was to draft witnesses' testimony in a way that highlighted important facts and influenced the judge to make favourable decisions. I also bring my experience as a strategy consultant at Deloitte and investment banker at Morgan Stanley.

This combination of experiences, my personal motivation to help international students succeed, your skills and achievements, and your hard work, I believe, will create a strong team that maximises the chances of you getting admitted into the university of your choice.







I have a four-part goal. First, work with you in understanding your skills and achievements. Second, support you in crafting those attributes in a form and 'story' that would convince an admissions office. Third, help you put together that story in your essays and documents in logical and nicer language. And finally, support your journey with my own experience. In doing so, I would draw on both my academic and professional experiences.

On the academic side, I bring my experience of achieving a double first class BA (Hons) degree in Economics from the University of Cambridge, and an MBA from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. This gives me insight into the minds of admissions teams in UK and US universities.

On the professional side, I bring my most recent experience as a consultant in London, specialising in litigation and arbitration disputes. A key part of this job was to draft witnesses' testimony in a way that highlighted important facts and influenced the judge to make favourable decisions. I also bring my experience as a strategy consultant at Deloitte and investment banker at Morgan Stanley.

This combination of experiences, my personal motivation to help international students succeed, your skills and achievements, and your hard work, I believe, will create a strong team that maximises the chances of you getting admitted into the university of your choice.









University of Chicago

MBA Accounting, Finance, Strategic Management, General Management

University of Cambridge

Bachelor Economics


获奖 & 荣誉

Almeric Paget prize

University of Cambridge

James Bailey Scholarship

University of Cambridge

Title of Scholar

University of Cambridge

Cambridge Commonwealth Trust Scholarship

University of Cambridge

Corpus Christi College Scholarship

University of Cambridge




  • 硕士
  • 本科
  • 其他


  • 29 金融学
  • 21 经济学
  • 20 商业分析
  • 17 会计、审计、金融管理
  • 13 工商管理/MBA
  • 12 战略管理学
  • 11 市场营销学
  • 7 计算机科学/工程
  • 5 统计科学
  • 4 生物化学
  • 3 物理学
  • 3 公共政策分析学
  • 2 运筹管理学
  • 2 社会学
  • 2 地球科学/大气学
  • 1 环境工程
  • 1 化学工程
  • 1 数据科学
  • 1 教育学
  • 1 电子工程
  • 法学大类
* 数据来源于该顾问服务订单所属专业的分类汇总


服务质量29 人评价
  • erin
    erin Dec 27, 2018
    硕士文书服务 Essay 深度修改 金融学


  • Ted
    Ted Dec 27, 2018
    硕士文书服务 Essay 语言润色 战略管理学

    Anant is so patient and his work helps a lot.

  • 东*
    东* Dec 27, 2018
    硕士文书服务 Personal Statement 深度修改 金融学

    Thank you so much for your help, I got the offer last week :)

  • Caini
    Caini Dec 24, 2018
    硕士文书服务 Essay 深度修改 金融学

    native speaker 还是在框架和语言上更浑然天成一些,思路清晰,沟通顺畅,很棒的体验

  • Jamie
    Jamie Dec 20, 2018
    硕士文书服务 Statement of Purpose VIP服务 计算机科学/工程


  • Shane
    Shane Dec 18, 2018
    硕士文书服务 Personal Statement 深度修改 地球科学/大气学

    Anant did an excellent job!

  • Sunny
    Sunny Dec 18, 2018
    硕士文书服务 Essay 语言润色 金融学

    I'm really satisfied with the edited version Anant not only helped me make the sentences more smoothly but also stood in my shoes to make the essay more logically! He considered my content when edited and I think this is really precious!

    • Sunny头像

      Receive the offers of JHU, Columbia University and UIUC. Thanks a lot!


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