Rebecca A

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文书顾问简要 简介

My personal mission is to be someone other people can trust. I am dedicated to my beliefs, I am consistent in my work, I do all I can to achieve harmony, I relate well to other people, and I am disciplined. My education, work, and personal life will always reflect my desire to help others.

我是一个值得你信任的人。我的个人信仰是保持我的工作的一致性, 我希望尽我所能帮助他人。 我所接受的教育以及人生经历始终指引我始终存有助人之心。

顾问自我介绍 自我介绍

I received a Bachelors degree in Recreation Management with a minor in Editing in August 2014. I plan to pursue a Masters degree in School Counseling. I am currently enrolled in a coaching certification course through Strengths Strategy, Inc., and once I finish this course I will be a certified strengths coach. 

I recently completed a role as editor for a development team where I edited training materials and created a file-organizing standard for other editors. I have had several years of experience editing in both the academic and professional fields.

From 2012–2014 I served a full-time mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and I gained valuable experience working with both individuals and groups. I trained individual missionaries and groups of missionaries, and I improved the quality of individuals' lives by studying and teaching valuable principles. Previously I served as president of my local women’s Relief Society organization, where I presided over weekly meetings, coordinated committees, planned events, organized relief efforts, and taught lessons. I have had several opportunities to work as a youth counselor where I mentored a handful of youth aspiring to reach their potential. These opportunities helped me develop important skills such as organizing events, delegating, training, discovering solutions to problems, working on my own and with a team, and multi-tasking. 

In my college education I gained valuable hands-on experience in program management, marketing, financing, and managing nonprofit organizations. During summer 2014 I completed an internship with Humanitarian Experience for Youth, a nonprofit organization that offers humanitarian trips to youth ages 16-18. I worked in the office and assisted with creating participant handbooks, managing a photo/video competition, data entry, and campaign emails. I managed the catering for a three-day trip leader training, and I provided needed assistance at the training. In 2010 I worked as an office secretary at Aspen Grove Family Camp, where I registered customers, resolved concerns, edited brochures and website material, and gave tours of camp. These opportunities gave me quality skills in customer service, organization, and meeting deadlines.

I enjoy working hard. I am always looking for ways to improve my skills and put them to the test. I am an honest worker and I am excited to see what opportunities are given to me in the future!

2014年我获得娱乐管理学士学位,同时我还辅修了编辑学。 我还准备攻读一个校园咨询硕士学位。 目前我正在Strengths战略公司研修辅导证书。 一旦我完成了这个课程我就可以成为一个能力训练教练。 

我最近在一个发展组担任编辑一职同时我也给其他编辑撰写培训材料。 同时我也有多年职业文书以及学术文书编辑修改经验。 

2012年到2014年我成为了一个传教士并且这个经验让我有机会和很多组织以及个人合作。 我培训了非常多的传教士并且我让很多人明白了人生的真谛。 之前作为当地妇女组织的主席,我组织策划了各样的会议和活动。 我有很多机会教授年轻人追寻了他们的梦想。 这些机会磨炼了我的很多技能,比如活动策划, 委派, 培训,问题解决能力, 团队合作能力以及处理多个事务。 

我的大学教育让我积累了很多项目管理, 市场,金融以及非营利机构管理经验。 2014年夏天我在一个为了16到18岁提供人文旅游的非盈利组织实习工作。 我主要负责撰写行程手册, 管理摄影比赛,数据管理以及活动沟通邮件。 我策划实施了一个三天领导能力旅游路线。 2010年我去到了Aspen Grove家庭露营公司担任办公室文员, 我负责登记客户, 解答客户疑问,编辑网站以及手册。 这些机会让我有在客服,组织管理以及时间管理方面积攒了很多经验。 

我享受努力工作的过程。我总是希望学习新的技能并且使用这些技能。 对于未来我能获得的机会我感到非常兴奋。



Brigham Young University

Recreation Management and Youth Leadership



Humanitarian Experience for Youth


Missionary Training Center

Youth Counselor

Especially For Youth

Office Secretary

Aspen Grove Family Camp

Personal Secretary and Research Assistant

Brigham Young University

获奖 & 荣誉




  • 硕士
  • 本科
  • 其他


  • 3 会计、审计、金融管理
  • 3 传媒与新闻学
  • 2 化学工程
  • 1 海洋工程
  • CFA辅导
  • SAT辅导
  • 作品集辅导
  • 计算机科学/工程
  • 留学考试
  • 软件工程
  • 申请规划
  • 学校/专业信息
  • 网申/非文书材料指导
  • 工商管理/MBA
  • 校园/当地生活
  • 海外实习
  • 国外实习/工作
  • 数学
  • 美国经济/金融硕士申请
  • 美国经济/金融 Top 100 选校
  • 金融工程
* 数据来源于该顾问服务订单所属专业的分类汇总


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