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网申 申请规划 加州大学 国际政治
  • 课程简述: 申请加州大学国际政治硕士的经历分享和建议
  • 适用用户: 准备申请加州大学国际政治硕士的同学






University of California, San Diego

Master International Politics

University of Cambridge

Others Art History

Beijing Foreign Studies University

Bachelor International Relations and Diplomacy


Visits Officer

British Embassy Beijing

Led responsibility for UK-China ministerial and senior-official visits: Led logistics for Prime Minister and VIP visits, and coordination of ministerial programmes; Liaised with the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other government ministries to secure host invitation, coordinate meeting times and venues, and agree on protocol and security arrangements; Recent major visits managed include visit of the UK Foreign Secretary to China (April 2016), the first UK-China High Level Security Dialogue (June 2016), visit of the Chancellor of the Exchequer to China (July 2016) etc.

Program Associate

Quaker United Nations Office

Specialized in UN policy and local conflict research around peacebuilding issues - research results fed into both external and internal reports; Successfully planned, budgeted and organized over 40 diplomatic events and international workshops with UN Ambassadors, officials, academics and civil society representatives worldwide around a variety of peacebuilding-focused policy discussions

Interning News Producer

CCTV America

Worked as interning news producer with “Biz Asia America”, a major English business news show on CCTV America broadcasting from Washington DC, US; Co-produced 50+news packages with video editors to be shown worldwide; Wrote 30+ English news readers for anchors and edited 100+ videos for broadcast use; Reached out to and acquired footage from 20+ big companies including Google, Dell, Samsung, Walmart, etc.


American Friends Service Committee

Generated meeting documents including agendas, concept notes, participant list and biographies for workshops on conflict sensitivity analysis in China; Translated documents for international training on Environmental Impact Assessment to the Cambodian government and civil society; Translated and copy-edited Chinese academic papers on peacebuilding and gender-related politics in Central Africa

获奖 & 荣誉

Core Cast in "Emotional Creature", a musical by Eve Ensler

The International V-Day

Silver Award in University Talent Show

UC San Diego



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