用户 昕* 对芝士圈留学服务的所有评价

昕* avatar 昕* 2020-06-10


给顾问 Elizabeth L 的评价:

Elizabeth 是一位经验丰富,热心且高效率的文书顾问。在我那段忙碌且压抑的研究生申请阶段,她十分优秀地帮助我修改了我的简历和个人陈述,并在其中给予了我许多宝贵的建议。我每次向她提交一个请求时,她都以最快的速度完成了她的任务,这对于我来说帮助很大。我最终成功地申请到了我最心仪的美国研究生项目,这多亏了Elizabeth的帮助,我非常感激她。如果你们有文书修改或润色的工作需要其他人帮忙,请不要犹豫去联系她。

Elizabeth is an experienced, enthusiastic and efficient Senior Advisor.During my busy and stressful application period, she excellently helped me revise and polish my resume and personal statement and gave me lots of valuable suggestions. Every time I submit a request to her, she finish it faster than I expected, which helps me a lot in that time. I finally got the offer from my favorite graduate program in America. Thanks to Elizabeth's help, I am very grateful to her. Don't hesitate to contact her if you need help with your application documents.