用户 April Liang 对芝士圈留学服务的所有评价

April Liang avatar April Liang 2016-01-08

TJ is amazing. He responds very quickly to my reuqests and has really enlightened me!

给顾问 TJ Leonard 的评价:

You have really helped me with my essay. Thank you very much!

April Liang avatar April Liang 2016-01-24


给顾问 Clary L 的评价:

Sorry for the late comment, thank you so much for the revision. It's been a pleasant experience

April Liang avatar April Liang 2016-03-16


给顾问 Abby R 的评价:

Thank you so much for your help. I have already received the offer from University of Rochester. I was a lot less nervous thanks to you.