本科在南京大学学习城市规划与设计。后DIY成功申请到奖学金,来到瑞典KTH Royal Institute of Technology攻读两年硕士项目Sustainable Urban Planning and Design。目前在浙江省城乡规划设计研究院工作。
本科五年在南京大学学习城市规划与设计,让我认识到城市本身的丰富多彩,规划设计的复杂和人文关怀。世界的舞台如此之大,应该到处走走看看,不能束缚自己。放弃了保研,DIY留学文书材料,最后成功申请到奖学金,来到瑞典KTH Royal Institute of Technology攻读两年硕士项目Sustainable Urban Planning and Design。北欧的黑夜如此漫长,和自己独处的时间也多了很多的思考,坚定了自己的梦想和研究之路。做International Student Ambassador的期间,接触了很多admission office的同事,也参与了很多admission和education相关的program,对于KTH的申请有了很多新的了解和认识。希望可以用我的DIY经验和经历帮助更多的同学申请到欧洲的学校和奖学金。
KTH Royal Institute of Technology/瑞典皇家工学院
Master Sustainable Urban Planning and Design/可持续城市规划与设计
Nanjing University/南京大学
Bachelor Urban planning and design/城市规划与设计
International Student Ambassador
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
• Answer e-mails from prospective students about KTH education programs and application process
• Take campus tour/visit for visitors and make presentations of KTH to visitors and prospective students
• Assist in the admission relating events, projects and programs
Graphic Designer
AIESEC Stockholm
• poster design
• graphic design
• team building
Event Organizer
THS Näringsliv, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Head of Arrival Day & Events Chief
Nymble's International Committee, THS Fall 2014 International Reception, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
• Planed and arranged the stations, venue, mentors and activities for new students on the arrival days
• Planed, prepared and organized the welcome activities and events for the new international students
获奖 & 荣誉
Swedish Institute Study Scholarship/瑞典政府奖学金
Swedish Institute
I haven been awarded a scholarship from the Swedish Institute from 15 August 2013 to 15 June 2015 for studies at the master's degree programme in Sustainable Urban Planning and Design at KTH Royal Institute of Technology. This scholarship covers the tuition fee and living cost during the two years.
Planning Method Study on the Ecological Restrained Construction Area From the perspective of Governance: A Case from Yangzijin, Yangzhou, China
Rushi TAN, Yilun XU, Xiaohui WANG
WASETThe restrained construction zoning, an important part in the urban master plan, is a necessary planning tool to control the city sprawl, to guarantee the reservation implementation of the various types of protective elements, and to realize the storage of the essential urban spatial resources. Simultaneously, owing to the diverse constitutes of restrained construction area and the various stakeholders involved in, its planning requires an overall consideration of all elements from the perspective of coordination, balance and practicability to deal with the problems and conflicts in this process. Taking Yangzijin Ecological Restrained Construction Area in Yangzhou as an example, this study analyzes all the potential actors, agencies and stakeholders in this restrained construction area, as well as the relevant conflicts between each other. Besides, this study tries to build up a planning procedure based on the framework of governance theory, and proposes a possible planning method that combines "rigidity" and "flexibility" to protect the ecological limitation boundary, to take every interest into account, and to promote economic development in a harmonious society.
Shanghai’s role in the Asian cyber city network: Using Google hyperlinks to measure Shanghai’s development in the Information Age
Xiaohui Wang
ict4s-14/Atlantis PressWith the development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), the rapid growths of Asian cities attract global attention on urban connectivity in the world network. Taking Shanghai as an example, this essay seeks to unpack the question of its changing position in Asian ICT network and ICT’s contributes to sustainable urban development. The earlier ICT-based urban research and analysis tend to trace out“cyber” geography via physical infrastructure and material connection. Google search engine allows real-time data collection of intercity information flow, which is represented by hyperlink results in this essay. This study finds out that Shanghai is the leading cyber city in Asia compared with 2003, but it still needs to take advantage of ICT for sustainable development.
Shifting hours in the Taxi industry. In: Fei Shi, ed. 2013. Sustainable Urban Mobility(可持续的城市机动性 : 公交导向与创新出行).
Xiaohui Wang, Editor: Fei Shi
东南大学出版社• Wrote one investigation report on the Different Shifting-hour Policy of Taxi drivers in Nanjing in the practice section of the book
• Analyzed taxi drivers’ and passengers’ attitudes toward this policy based on 200 questionnaires
• Evaluated the policy effect using 200 questionnaires and an comparative analysis of waiting population flow variation in 10 taxi waiting stations
• Won the Third Prize in National Competition of Traffic Innovation Program in 2011
188****5393 Sep 24, 2021
申请选校咨询服务 - 国内本科申请欧美建筑/规划/设计-轻diy选校
Vicky L Dec 19, 2016
留学顾问咨询: 拿到了心仪的建筑/规划/设计offer,如何分析进行抉择 学校/专业信息
Lavender非常认真负责任,咨询之前仔细看了我提供的所有资料,之后还整理了talk note给我。她提供了很多于我而言十分有价值的资讯,让我重新审视申请这整个过程,也十分感谢Lavender鼓励我做自己,最重要的还是自己的想法。诚挚地谢谢Lavender。