2022 Entry 弗吉尼亚大学MBA已开放申请


弗吉尼亚大学达顿商学院 (UVA Darden) 成立于1954年,达顿的使命是在一个多元化且相互支持的社区里,通过提供高质量的教育来培养有责任心的领导人,为世界的革新与进步做出贡献。 学院通过“以学生为中心的学习”、“领导力的培养”、“高度参与商界活动”这三管齐下的方式来努力实现自己的使命。2019年4月份Darden商学院宣布其两年制MBA新增的Management Science方向获得美国国土安全部STEM认证批复。


此外,Darden还为即将毕业的大学应届生开设了Future Year Scholars Program,被录取的学者可能会选择在获得2年、3年或4年的工作经验后开始攻读MBA。


  • 所在城市:美国夏洛茨维尔
  • 项目周期:21个月
  • 入学时间:每年8月份
  • 学费 (Fall 2020 – Spring 2021): $68,754(约48.78万人民币)


  • 班级规模:336人
  • 国际生比例:33%
  • 平均年龄:27
  • 平均GMAT:713
  • 平均GPA:3.5

就业情况(Class of 2019)

  • 就业比例:94%
  • 平均就业起薪:$135,168(约95.90万人民币)


  • 本科成绩单
  • GMAT / GRE
  • TOEFL / IELTS / PTE:没有最低分数要求,但平均托福成绩是106分
  • Essays:5篇200字以内的简答问题
  • 2封推荐信
  • 简历
  • 在线申请表
  • 申请费:$250(约1753元人民币)
  • 面试:EA轮次可预约面试,其他轮次受邀面试

2022 entry 申请截止时间

2022 entry 申请截止时间

2022 Entry Essays

对于2021-22年的申请周期,Darden再次推出多个简答题,在今年的 short answer questions 中新增了“领导力和影响力”和“多样性和包容性”问题。在网申表格中,学校对每一个essay题目都做了较为详细的说明(详细说明在网申表格内查看):

Essay Questions

For the 2021–22 application cycle, we will again feature multiple short answer questions, which provides a broader platform to showcase your background and personality. These questions are a great opportunity for you to help the Darden Admissions Committee understand who you are and who you will be at Darden. 

Learning Team: Tell us what you would want your Learning Team to know about you that is not on your resume. (150 words)

 Leadership and Impact: Select the prompt to which you will respond. (200 words)

Q1: Tell us about a time when you acted with a team to solve a problem or seize an opportunity. What role did you play? What did you learn from this experience?

Q2: Tell us about a time you acted to solve a problem for the greater good. What drew you to this issue? What did you learn from this experience?

Diversity and Inclusion: Select the prompt to which you will respond. (200 words) 

Q1: Share a time when you learned something related to diversity, equity or inclusion that was previously unknown to you? How did this experience impact your perspective?

Q2: Share a time when you advocated for a perspective, identity, or community different from your own. How did this experience impact your worldview?

Career Goal: What is your short-term, post-MBA goal and how does it align with the long-term vision you have for your career? (150 words)

Darden Worldwide: If you could choose any location in the world, where would you want to travel? (5 words) And why? (50 words)



我经过两年的MBA申请,对美国和英港坡的主流商学院都有了深入的了解。如今也收获了NYU Stern和USC Marshall ($50,000)的offer。在我的服务中,我可以根据您的实际情况来制定合适的申请学校列表,并向您介绍这些学校的特点、申请流程、文书题目、面试偏好、奖学金情况等细节,希望我的经验可以给您带来充分的帮助







  1. 注册后免费查看一份成功者申请档案: 名校录取者GPA、语言成绩、留学文书
  2. 申请成功者背景参考: 注册 后添加客服微信,发送「目标申请国家/地区+专业」领取
  3. 注册后无限量查看:留学文书范文,含PS/SOP、简历、essay等