


数字交互设计师 ,本科中央美术学院艺术设计毕业,后DIY申请于Pratt Digital Arts取得MFA,现从事3D游戏设计和沉浸式体验设计领域的工作,base纽约 。在DIY申请过程中积累了丰富的申请知识和技能,多次在公众号上进行讲座。希望帮助更多学弟学妹斩获Dream Offer。



Pratt Institute

Master Digital Arts


Bachelor 艺术设计


Game developer

A Free Bird

 Polish game concept with the team and make sketches.

 Marking research and Competitive product analysis

 Create game assets and characters, including modeling, texturing, uv mapping, lighting and rendering.

 Generate the interactive part in Unity. Writing customize scripts for shaders.

 Solve daily design issues for the team, such as video editing, special effects and image retouching.

Interaction Designer

FairyIsland Pop-up Exhibition

Coded for the interactive art installation in Processing and Arduino

Produced a video for interaction and installed the work

Designed and Assisted the wall painting

Graduate Assistant

Pratt Institute

Designed and produced posters, booklets and holiday cards for the department 

Organized and updated social media accounts, including Instagram and Facebook, Vimeo and sent daily Constant Content to faculty, students and alumni

Kept records of phone calls and visits. Maintained records of registration and class schedules, scheduled meetings, and facilitated communications between professors and students.

Digital Designer

3nod Group

Accomplished brand design, including a logo, business cards, and packaging 

Supported photo retouching and color correcting

Designed websites, online advertisement materials and videos

Analyzed marketing data with executives and Improved existing graphics and images for the websites

获奖 & 荣誉

National Scholarship

China Central Academy of Fine Arts

Second Place for Graduation Design

China Central Academy of Fine Arts

Second Class Scholarship

China Central Academy of Fine Arts

Grand Prize: The “Beauty China” Art Photo Contest

China Central Academy of Fine Arts



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