用户 150****1077 Doris 对芝士圈留学服务的所有评价

150****1077 Doris avatar 150****1077 Doris 2017-06-05

改的非常细致~顾问超级礼貌并且细心地指点出我需要修改的部分,我真是不知道该怎么写了就没加进去要写的内容,结果顾问比我还急hhh 希望我能赶紧加进去 很好很好~很满意

给顾问 David S 的评价:

Change is very meticulous ~ super polite and careful guidance counselor that I need some modifications, I really do not know how to write is not added to write the contents of the consultant than I am anxious HHH hope I can quickly add very good ~ very satisfied

  • David S 回复 150****1077 Doris 2017-06-05 15:28

    Thank you for the 5-star rating and the very complimentary feedback, both of which are deeply gratifying and much appreciated.

    David S.