用户 Ann 对芝士圈留学服务的所有评价

Ann avatar Ann 2016-12-28


给顾问 Frank E 的评价:

I think you are professional and careful. I am considering using your service. Thanks a lot.

Ann avatar Ann 2017-01-05


给顾问 Frank E 的评价:

You are very helpful and professional. You have given me a lot of useful opinions and completed my PS in time. I am quite satisfied with the PS, which is clear and effective. Really a big help! Thanks!

  • Frank E 回复 Ann 2017-01-05 21:38

    Thanks for your kind words, Ann. I enjoyed working with you and am glad to hear you're happy with the results.

  • Frank E 回复 Ann 2017-01-05 21:38

    Thanks for your kind words, Ann. I enjoyed working with you and am glad to hear you're happy with the results.